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What are the symptoms of "mental salmonella"?

Green Xenon

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"Mental Salmonellela" is a hypothetical disease that only affects all parts of the brain that constitute the psyche. All non-psychological parts of the brain are totally-unaffected.


Here is what happens in "mental salmonella":


Multicellular-units consisting of one cell of each and every serovar of each and every subspecies of each and every species of the bacterial Genus of Salmonella enter the patient's brain. Following such entrance, these units then multiply until there are enough of them to surround all the neurons in the patient's psyche. Following this, each and every cell of each and every serovar of each and every subspecies of each and every species of the Salmonella genus separate and then attack the patient's psyche in manners that include -- but are not limited to -- the following:


1. They use up nutrients that the brain cells need for energy and nourishment. This starves those cells


2. They release toxic substances as a result of their metabolism, which poison the brain


3. They produce enzymes which digest the brain tissue. Following this they release waste products which further injure the brain.


4. The injured brain cells release substances that are toxic to neighboring cells.


5. The presence of the Salmonella cells triggers a violent inflammatory reactions [due in major part to the presence of LPS (LipoPolySacharride) which is present in all Gram-negative bacteria -- including all bacteria of the Salmonella genus]. Inflammation causes the release of toxic chemicals and raises the temperature of the host's body -- both results further damage the already injured brain.


Innate-Salmonellosis does not kill the patient, because autonomic/vital functions -- such as breathing -- are spared.


What symptoms will the patient experience?






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