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My theory of consciousness


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Here's some weird theory I came up with, while I was taking bath.

I'm not a scientist, only hard thinker I suppose.


Before everyone starts saying I'm crazy, would be cool if someone who knows science gives some scientific fact this couldn't be possible and explain why, so we can close this thread... thanks!


* When you think about yourself, deep inside, you think about something that never could not exist, something that is eternal...

It is beyond our body, beyond everything imaginable...




If I create a clone of another human that is exactly like the other, what happens?

The clone will just be identical from the moment of creation, right after that point it will be a different person, those two would only share the same past.

But how is that possible, what about his consciousness?


When someone dies, what happens with his consciousness?


When someone is born, where his consciousness comes from?


Over the years, I was thinking about various potential theories

and finally come up with one that could make it all possible.


There is ONE and only conscience in the existence...

Humans are only aware every time it vibes through them.

It is doing so by a string of some sort, in sub atomic level.

It vibes through everything amazingly fast that it feels like instant. Maybe not even in time;

Inside Quantum mechanic, that kind of things seems possible.

But, we still know so little about it. It actually almost seems like we know nothing...




That would mean that we're, in fact, sharing all the same consciousness.

Human brain only knows what it learns, and is also unaware of the fact that all humans

are, actually, the "same".


It could also mean that all the living creatures have consciousness as well, cause it vibes equally through them too...


It could also prove that there is a god. I'm the god, and so are you …


It could prove just about anything you ever wondered, and could not possibly find the solution for it...

edit : Just noticed that I posted in wrong forum, please move it to Speculations

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Your idea of one singular consciousness that 'scans' (vibes doesn't quitemake sense to me) all individual consciousness's (You do say that each consciousnessis unique) is interesting. I would take it one further and suggest that the entirelyof the universe could be a single dot scanning at x /c squared. This would be contraryto Einstein’s law of relativity, which indicates that all matter/energy managesto behave in perfect synchronization merely simply by following it's 'nature'and that the speed of light is the maximum possible speed.


This would remove the need for tiresome Sci Fi plots that rely on differentialsin time caused by travelling faster than light as time would always be the samehowever far or fast you could travel. In the age of computers I find it hard notto believe that the universe is a 'program' and all programs require a scan to checkintegrity.


So’ yes I think you could be right, and all consciousness’s could created byone single dot of consciousness moving very fast indeed.


parts for consitency as is required.



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Well I did say there's speed involved to make it easier to understand for some people, but what I really think is that consciousness isn't in space or in time, so therefore it doesn't really travels.


And I did say there's only one universal consciousness. And telling how it works will only move us further in presumptions...

Whole point of this thread is opening space in theory for universal consciousness, which I though no one ever talked about it, but after making few Google searches I see it has been brought up a lot.


Also, if you presume something is individual, and add more individuals, there also must be limited number of it, which would make no sense how universe works...

There simply isn't such thing as individual in universe...



btw, Einstein's law of relativity has been pointed out to be wrong since neutrino particles can travel faster then the speed of light. But I don't think it has been confirmed yet, may be just mess up with satellites and GPS system.

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  • 1 year later...

A Year ago, I posted my theory of human conciseness and awareness.

I had some positive feedback, and I really liked the idea, so I decided to repost it, with some new ideas.

When you think about yourself, deep inside, you think about something that’s impossible, not to exist; something that is eternal... It is beyond our body, beyond everything imaginable...


We are all wondering, where our conciseness comes from. I refuse to believe it’s generated in our brain.


For instance, what would happen if we create a clone of ourselves that is exactly like us? Would it also have our conciseness? Though it would be identical from the moment of creation, right after that point, it would be some another person, sharing only the same past.

But the question about conciseness still remains. Where does it come from, and where does it go?


Over the years, I was thinking about various potential theories
and finally come up with one that could solve all questions.

Conciseness may just be the very own soul of the universe.

We are only aware every time it ‘vibes’ through us. Whenever our brains pick up the vibe, it makes us aware of our self.


Self Conciseness is not like constant current; instead it’s switching ON and OFF in a time period.

For all we know, we could only be aware only once in our life time, our brains would not be able to tell the difference. No matter how freaky that might sounds….


Hence, to summarize my theory, I believe that we all in fact share same conciseness, it could be that very same spark that inflamed the universe.

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"Conciseness may just be the very own soul of the universe."


Yes indeed- "conciseness" pithily encapsulates the Principle of Least Action, which seems an intrinsic feature of how the Universe works.


It might also provide an example of another principle - the occasional serendipitous appositeness of malapropism.


Other examples have cropped up in poetry, for instance in Betjeman's "Ports have names for the sea". He originally wrote "Poets have names for the sea", but it got misspelled in the proof text, and he when he saw it, he thought "ports" was so much better than the banal "poets", that he kept it in. That happened also with another poet' - the famous "Brightness falls from the air", was supposed to have been "Brightness falls from the hair ". And you can see why the feeble original was junked!


But all that is a digression. On the subject of consciousness, you're probably right that it's a kind of shared property among humans. We note how easily we can sometimes assess how another person will react to a situation, by thinking "If I was in that person's shoes, what would I do?" And most times, the assessment turns out to be on the right lines.


And that leads to the thing that most intrigues me about consciousness. Given that all persons share a common property, what makes an individual person different from another? Or more precisely, who decides that you are conscious as "you", and not as somebody else?


To follow that train of thought to its ultimate conclusion - suppose God exists. Presumably, He's a "person" with His own individual consciousness - He rules the Universe, makes decisions, intervenes in human affairs, and generally does what He thinks fit. Now, how did He get into that happy position, and not somebody else? I'm not expressing this very well! but I mean, who determined that "God" finds Himself conscious as God, whereas Rilex finds himself conscious as Rilex? (I'm only using your name as an example - not implying delusions of grandeur!) :)


Is there an answer to the general question - what determines which particular individual consciousness we find ourselves in - whether as God, or you, or me, or President Putin?

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If I could express my self well, You would see, that I was suggesting, there's no such thing as individual consciousness . And no one decides anything. Simply, because we are not all aware at the same time. Consciousness is like a string, playing all notes in some order. When ever our note gets played, we become aware. I'm not excluding a god or anything. But in my picture, we are extension of god, unlike all religions where god is an individual being, completely separated from you.

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@ Rilex #8 - thanks - surely though there is such a thing as individual consciousness? At least, in the human species. If there weren't, wouldn't we all think exactly the same thoughts all the time? Like in a bee-colony. I can accept that all bees have the same "thoughts". Such as finding food-sources, building the hexagonal cells, fanning the hive and so on. But that's mere instinctive stuff. No individual bee will ever get uppity thoughts about instigating a revolution to overthrow the queen. Because the bees only have tiny brains, which can only support a very low level of "consciousness". Or really, hardly any consciousness at all.


Not like in big brains, such as humans possess. Our brains give us sufficient consciousness to start revolutions, annex the Crimea, and in general, do whatever we want. Even committing individual suicide, or launching World War III. (Though there'd be loads of un-beelike protesters against the war!)


What I think you're driving at, is that "consciousness" is a basic element of the Universe. Which is possessed by every particle in the Universe. Every atom, every molecule, has it in some degree - albeit only dimly. Isaac Asimov made that a theme in his "Foundation's Edge" ( I was going to quote from the book but damned if I can find it in my disorganised library!)


Anyway, even if such a theory is valid, I don't see that it rules out a kind of "quantum leap", from bee-mind to human-mind, resulting in the human attainment of individual consciousness. Thus providing a power of innovation and organisation.


In your post #8, you make the pretty and striking analogy that "consciousness is like a string, playing all notes in some order". Accepting that, surely only conscious human minds can organise the notes into the right order to make innovative tunes and symphonies - and the greatest achievement in history - Science?

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