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The Multi- One Theory : Domino Effect of Meteorite's Impact in Caribbean Sea and the Explanation of the Dinosaurs Extinction by an Increase of Gravity


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The One Multi- Theory: Domino Effect about Dinosaurs Extinction (DEDE) and the explanation of the Dinosaurs Extinction by a Variation of the Earth Gravity by Laurent GRANIER published in French under the Title "L Effet « Domino » de l'Impact de la Météorite dans la Mer des Caraïbes et l Explication de l Extinction des Dinosaures par une Hausse de la Gravité" -ISBN 978-2-9515070-3-6 - www.thedinosaursextinction.com


Hello, I'm the author of the Increase Gravity theory, and I can explain the cause !

You can read it a part translated on my website www.thedinosaursextinction.com

and the entire of my theory on my ebook (in French for the moment) you can find on Amazon under the title:

"L Effet « Domino » de l'Impact de la Météorite dans la Mer des Caraïbes et l Explication de l Extinction des Dinosaures par une Hausse de la Gravité"

The Multi- One Theory : Domino Effect of Meteorite's Impact in Caribbean Sea (DEMICS) and the Explanation of the Dinosaurs Extinction by an Increase of Earth Gravity (EDEIEG)

Laurent GRANIER (theoretician, master philosopher)


The brief explaination:

...How and why the Earth gravity has necessary changed.

The first cause was the meteor collision.

This impact was always considered with a vertical direction.

But, there is less chance to have been like this than to have an angle. It's logical, there are more angular values than the one 90 °!

An impact can be with a perfect perpendicular axle, of near, under two possibilities :

Its original way is like this, or its way has been changed before.

For the first possibility, the probability is low on a curve area ( 2 dimensions), and lower on a spherical area ( 3 dimensions), where there is only one place.

For the second one, the gravity changes the direction. But its influence is smaller that the object's ratio speed/ weight is high.

A system like the Earth has several conjugated speeds:

By order from the most important energy needed (far) to the lesser (close) :


Its trip in the Universe (general view)

Its trip around the sun.

Its rotation.


To give an easy change (with the lesser energy) of the value of « G », it's by the closer range, and so, by this last speed.

The rotation is the most sensible part of physics involvements, the part needed the lesser power to offer a strong effect.

To give an acceleration to this speed, it's necessary to have a distribution of the impact's energy more favourable to the transfer of pure energy than to the one for the material destruction.

To get this maximum effect, it's logical and necessary to have an impact :


About location, the closer to the equator.

About direction, the most parallel with the one of the rotation.

About acceleration of rotation, the same way of the rotation.

About angle, the closer to the tangent but not too much to avoid the bounce.

To find a material proof, we have to use the reverse reasoning.

So, if we want to get this maximal result, we have to get an association of each of these parameters.

And so, if it was real, we could see, not a circular and clean print, but rather a long furrow.

Now, see the topographical map of Yucatan.


The Red Arrow shows very well the mark of an extended impact.

The Green Ones show very well the rolls made by a longitudinal

push in a way.

The print explains a probable impact near to the Earth's tangent.

In this case, the Tsunami created was stronger, by a transfer of

pure energy under a way of direct push, than the one thought bef

ore made by a vertical collision.

With all these factors, it's sure, the rotation speed of the Earth,

and perhaps the axle, has changed.

And, of course, the value of « G » has changed too.

The study of this impact in Yucatan.

What concrete and scientific knowledge we get, to can explain a sure cause ?

By a real observation of the impact print in Yucatan, we can see:

1. The shapes of the print :


A long furrow, with a little depth

Several rolls on each sides and at the end, explaining a longitudinal push

And so, we can say :

The impact trajectory was close to the Earth's tangent


2. The consequences of this kind of collision :

An impact with an angle close to the tangent gives a special physics transfer.

In this case about the meteor collision with the Earth, and knowing each of theirs constitutions, it's sure that the most quantity of the power was transferred in pure energy,

to the detriment of the energy used to destroy materials by a spread effect (spraying, dispersing) .

The materials distribution shape (green arrows), by its small relief and its uniformity, proves very well :

è A weak intensity of energy was given for material destruction

And, so :

A very important intensity of pure energy transmitted


3. The location of the impact :

If we come back to the study of the impact print, we get too:


A geographical location close to the equator

The same way than the Earth rotation

A parallel direction with the Earth longitude

And so, we can say :

The power of the impact has pushed the Earth rotation



With all these observations, we can say a real fact :

è The acceleration of the Earth rotation speed occurred,

and by this way,

the value of G has grown !


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With all these observations, we can say a real fact :

è The acceleration of the Earth rotation speed occurred,

and by this way,

the value of G has grown !

Two points:


1. I completely agree that a body striking the Earth at an oblique angle would either accelerate or retard the rotational speed and hence modify the centrifugal 'force'. However, as Mootanman has pointed out this effect would be orders of magnitude less than that needed to produce a significant change.


2. G is the Gravitational constant. There is a clue in the name: it is constant. Nothing you do to the Earth will change it. The perceived value of g may change, but see point 1 above.

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