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Gravity, Space Time, Black Holes, 5th Dimension and Big Bang


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If matter was not attracted to itself and was in fact neutral to itself, but was repelled by space time would that not look like traditional "gravity". i.e. The apple is not attracted to the earth but pushed to the earth by space time as the earth is partially blocking space time from the bottom so the apple takes the path of least resistance and is pushed down? Wouldn't that explain why galaxies containing matter are accelerating away as they are being repelled by space time? Let's suppose space time repels matter.


Let's suppose at the heart of every galaxy is a massive black hole pulling on matter. Wouldn't that explain why the galaxy has stayed in tact and has not been pushed away by space time? The matter being repelled by space time is being counteracted by the black hole pulling on the matter. After all it is no coincidence that the size of the galaxy and black hole are directly proportional.


Now suppose that deep inside the black hole is pure energy with no mass and it is really attracted to matter – in fact it loves it. It loves it so much that it pulls on the fabric of space time to get at massively dense objects ripping the space time that repels the matter away and pulls the matter in converting all the mass into pure energy in the process.


Now suppose that this rip is into the fifth dimension. This dimension is hard for us to imagine as we don't live in the fifth dimension – kind of like a 2D cartoon character has no idea of what depth is. So let's just imagine this dimension to be spherical.


Given the fact that a tear in space time can happen with a black hole, let's assume that it can happen the other way around. Imagine if several fifth dimensional "spheres" bumped into each other – what would happen? Could it be possible that the reverse of a black hole would happen? Lots of pure energy being forced out of the fifth dimension tearing space time in the process and converting massive amounts of energy back into mass? Wouldn't this kind of look like a "big bang"?

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You are confusing mass and matter. It is very likely that matter cannot exist at the "center" of a "black-hole" but it certainly has mass.


Wow, the entire big 5 in one post and it doesn't seem to hold together at all... I guess we are still looking for the GUT.



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As much as everyone loves counting (1,2,3,4,5). Even though there is 2 dimension, 3 dimension. It doens't mean there will be a 4th dimension, or 5th. Now, I know some folks say there is 4D in math. But that's vectors and for graphing, it's different. You cannot have a 4D world, meaning height, depth, width and inner core? :huh:


Plus, 2D is created from 3-1 D. We ignore the depth to create 2D.


As for Big Bang, a "bang" seems a bit fishy as what's the explosion about? Force cannot be created out of nowhere.



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As much as everyone loves counting (1,2,3,4,5). Even though there is 2 dimension, 3 dimension. It doens't mean there will be a 4th dimension, or 5th. Now, I know some folks say there is 4D in math. But that's vectors and for graphing, it's different. You cannot have a 4D world, meaning height, depth, width and inner core? :huh:


Plus, 2D is created from 3-1 D. We ignore the depth to create 2D.


As for Big Bang, a "bang" seems a bit fishy as what's the explosion about? Force cannot be created out of nowhere.


Wow JohnStu, you have 62 posts in about 2 days! How is that possible?


"Force cannot be created out of nowhere."


Maybe so, but "nowhere" does not exist, neither does "nothing" exist. There is something everywhere.

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