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The holographic fractal model


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The holographic fractal model


By mark beal




Infinite fields require infinite expansion at an infinite velocity


as it is relative to it's acceleration class within the fractal spectrum


of infinite planes


fluctuations between two infinite accelerating expansion planes of varying origin


creates a time dynamic middle plane of spike and spin energy displacement


the spike connect disconnect determines the present position and relative weight


of the class entity relative particle


spike crash rings tumble and spray the class relative distance that is it's class relative field of expansion





Physics, knowledge, and individual conciseness, all work according to this fractal pattern of dynamic energy displacement



Energy potential equals a field's expansion rate divided by the speed of light. The cosmilogical constant.


The speed of light is always constant, but a fields expansion rate is relative to it's origin point within the infinite plane spectrum.

Edited by 36grit
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