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How slow does the heart need to beat in order to cause drug-like states??

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If the heart beats too slowly [even with strong and complete relaxations and contractions], the brain will starve of circulation and cause some neurological symptoms, some of these symptoms would be dissociation, delirium, and psychedelia. There would also be out-of-body and near-death experience.


Let's say -- hypothetically -- I want to experience the above hallucinatory states by slowing my heart rate. Let's assume that I'm the average 27-year-old male. Let's also assume that my heartbeat and pulse are as strong as they could possibly be [heart muscles' contractions and relaxations are complete].


How slow would my heart rate need to be in order to cause the aforementioned symptoms? Is 20 beats-per-minute slow enough?


The goal here to experience bradycardia-induced hallucinations for a long enough time to enjoy such altered states. Once time is up, the bradycardia should subside before any death or permanent damage to any part of the body occurs.







P.S. I don't actually plan to do this because the side effects could be hazardous. I'm just in it for the science.

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well you'd need some drugs to slow your heart so thats opiates there's a form of tank free deep diving where people have trained themselves to hold their breath for 4 minutes plus and slow their heart rate. But nah that takes too long. Then your gonna need a stimulant incase you over dose and need to be brought back so you'll need some coke or some meth on hand and a close friend to monitor you. (Make sure they don't get high too) then I guess just shoot some heroin and see what your pulse is if it's not slow enough shoot some more. When you fade off into whatever dream like state it is your after well then you had enough I guess.


Geez..........when you put it in those terms it sounds like a really REALLY dumb idea doesn't it? slowing your heart means lowering the amount of oxygen in your blood low oxygen causes brain damage, brain damage is permanent.


Awhile back it was popular for teens to place each other in choke holds until they passed out to experience this thing your after, Some of those kids now have severe disabilities as a result. But I guess stupid is as stupid does,


The little disclaimer your not gonna do it.............nah these high IQ fellows around here will never see through that

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