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A new system of the body


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I think a thing awoke in me, that could be a new system of the body. With it I can influence my inner body systems. I can influence my entire body by will, even the brain.


It seems, by my experience so far, that the thing is in specific order, that could be studied as a new system of the body, by which you can influence an entire body with will, no exercise, no meditation techniques needed.


Perhaps one can influence even hormone flow at will. Could this be somehow useful, maybe even dangerous?


I can fall asleep, by will, anywhere, or speed up anywhere I want by now. I think there is much more to dig up here than that...



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I can fall asleep, by will, anywhere, or speed up anywhere I want by now. I think there is much more to dig up here than that...

I've seen your previous posts about similar things, and I am interested but skeptical, and remain confused about what it is exactly you're describing.


Can you provide some more specifics about some aspect of this? For example, falling asleep by will...


Do you simply have to decide to fall asleep, and it happens?

How long does it take to fall asleep?

How do you know that you've fallen asleep (do you retain consciousness, or do you awake after some time has passed)?

How long do you sleep for? Is it controllable?

Is the sleep, or the process of falling asleep, different from "normal" sleep (by that I guess I would mean intentional but not willfully induced periods of sleep)?

What thoughts or senses are noticeably "different" from what you would expect everyone else to experience when falling asleep?






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Well, I can make myself sleepy and eventually fall asleep stimulating, what seem to be sensoric parts of my brain. At first it seems calming and pleasurable, then I feel sleepy, then I would fall asleep.


It is the opposite with, what seem to be motoric parts of my brain. At first I would feel excited, almost aggitated, then I would feel restless and would have troubles falling asleep at night.


I can, it seems, somehow stimulate my insides, entire body, even the brain by will.



As far as I see, senses come in pairs supporting eachother. For instance, 'smell' comes before 'taste'. As guardians, bad odours keep us safe from bad flavours.

'Sight' could come before 'hearing', judging things at a distance, can keep us safe from dangerous interaction. Again.

Same is with touch, I am sure, so there could be 6 senses, 3 pairs. Nothing special, just two senses of touching are good enough. One a 'presense' guarding the other with more physical impact on us. Maybe 'contact' before complete 'touch', as in inspecting with skin before grabbing with muscles to get a deeper feeling of the object. There could be difference enough in the brain for two senses, I guess...

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Inspecting with the skin is pretty much what 'touch' is. Also, unless you want to engage in semantics, contact and touch are the same thing.


If you stimulate your sensory areas wouldn't you become MORE awake? Seeing as how you're basically inducing a state of sensory awareness by stimulating those areas?


Your brain will be what stimulates your body. There isn't a different part of you that can stimulate your brain at will, since will itself is derived from the brain.


That said there are bio-feedback mechanisms that allow people with enough training to regulate heart beat and all that. And of course you can stimulate your entire body at will, that's what being alive is about, breathing, walking, talking, eating, and the thousands of other activities we can engage in. So about stimulating your body and your 'insides' you'll have to be a bit more specific please.

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God, it is so hard to explain... there are muscles or something, I can focus on and they change things inside. That's all, I guess...

I do not know more, but noone seems to know anything about it or is using it, but me!


Do I need help?

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