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About Luka

  • Birthday 06/30/1984

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello! I tried to write about it before, but it never came through all right. I meditated a lot, when I was a teenager. With it in me awoke something, that I know little about. It is a kind of a possibility to control my body with my mind. It became more than a learned ability, I cannot stop doing it, like it runs itself. By itself it seems nothing special, but it seems it is possible to do it. It feels there is a system of the body, that allows it to happen. I found six centers of different activity, each with three subcenters, one being the main (in the middle), other two blending with the past and next center. The feelings, that run through them, seem to run and combine in a circular way. Though the main activity seems to go downwards (you eat, you digest, you secret). It all stopped with the head, where I found 4 special centers. Special in that way, that they seem to control the other centers. It seems, that is where all the activity of the centers (for breating, digesting, mating, secreting, ...) begins. It seems they are the most complex of them all, the centers. Two seem to be for action, the centers of the head, two for sensing. In other ways, stimulating the centers of the neck and forebrain stimulates activity. Like they are about motoric functions. The other two centers, above the first two, on the top of the head, seem to stimulate sensoric functions and suppress the motoric. Same way, it seems, that motoric functions suppress the sensoric. I do not know, if all this makes sense, but there is some kind of a system of the body, that enables me to stimulate the different centers and to achieve different results, by which I can learn, of what goes on inside there. Is that possible, does that make any sense? I cannot seem to stop it from working in this way, once I awoke it in me. If it makes any sense to anyone, please let me know. I am buffled, but can try to explain more about my findings, if anyone is interested, or would know anyone possibly interested in it. I apologise, if it does not make sense, for my effort to explain it, I know it is scarce. I am also not a native speaker of english, so it is even harder to explain, what I mean by all that assumptions. Thank you for your comments. Luka
  2. God, it is so hard to explain... there are muscles or something, I can focus on and they change things inside. That's all, I guess... I do not know more, but noone seems to know anything about it or is using it, but me! Do I need help?
  3. Well, I can make myself sleepy and eventually fall asleep stimulating, what seem to be sensoric parts of my brain. At first it seems calming and pleasurable, then I feel sleepy, then I would fall asleep. It is the opposite with, what seem to be motoric parts of my brain. At first I would feel excited, almost aggitated, then I would feel restless and would have troubles falling asleep at night. I can, it seems, somehow stimulate my insides, entire body, even the brain by will. As far as I see, senses come in pairs supporting eachother. For instance, 'smell' comes before 'taste'. As guardians, bad odours keep us safe from bad flavours. 'Sight' could come before 'hearing', judging things at a distance, can keep us safe from dangerous interaction. Again. Same is with touch, I am sure, so there could be 6 senses, 3 pairs. Nothing special, just two senses of touching are good enough. One a 'presense' guarding the other with more physical impact on us. Maybe 'contact' before complete 'touch', as in inspecting with skin before grabbing with muscles to get a deeper feeling of the object. There could be difference enough in the brain for two senses, I guess...
  4. I think a thing awoke in me, that could be a new system of the body. With it I can influence my inner body systems. I can influence my entire body by will, even the brain. It seems, by my experience so far, that the thing is in specific order, that could be studied as a new system of the body, by which you can influence an entire body with will, no exercise, no meditation techniques needed. Perhaps one can influence even hormone flow at will. Could this be somehow useful, maybe even dangerous? I can fall asleep, by will, anywhere, or speed up anywhere I want by now. I think there is much more to dig up here than that... Luka
  5. Luka

    A special treat

    I would appreciate it, if someone could tell me who to share my experience with, or where to turn to for help with it. Are there any experts for that, I could talk to? P.S. I live in Slovenia E.U. and am 26 years old.
  6. Luka

    A special treat

    I have no proof, I guess, but my experiences and extreme craving to share it with someone and to be understood. Do you have any suggestions, who to share my thing with? I would be glad to come out somehow, I just do not know how, I have no ideas.
  7. Greetings! As a teenager I developed a treat, I did not have before. I clearly remember the difference between then and after. I know, you will not believe me, but I would still like to share my experience, if anyone would be interested in my words. I noticed my body has a system of muscles, that, how can I explain, make me change my mood. They run right underneath the skin forming a coordinate system formed from vertical and horizontal stripes. I can feel them. They help me concentrate even within my body. All people have this system, I am sure, yet I became aware of it. It is not a belief, it is awareness of it, spontanously born in me in my teens. Before, I was not aware of it at all, I can still clearly remember that feeling and the difference. When I concentrate on different parts of this coordinate system, I can change my mood, like, with help of it, when muscles contract, their vibrations cause my hormones to run. I cannot describe it better and I do not know, what to do with the experience. My english is not that good either, that I would describe it any better, than that. I feel different, than other people around me, because noone talks about it. I think noone would believe me, if I told them about my special treat. I feel it as a system, that I can control and learn about it an understand better using it. If anyone has any clues, please let me know. Do not just call me crazy or stupid, as I realy am living it. Thank you for your help.
  8. Luka

    A dark star

    Hello, I am new here. Could there be, that bright stars, we see on the sky are only a half of the clockworks of the sunshine, we receive on the planets? Could it be, that bright stars are feminine and dark stars are masculine, also exist. Bright meaning, that they are noticed by their sunshine, dark meaning, they are sucking on the sunshine instead of shining it away. These dark stars would couple with the bright stars and suck on them, causing them to sweat the sunshine around. The sunshine would spread evenly around, as the star rotates around her axis. In other words, can the stars be sweating the burn, because something is pulling on it? When the dark star would come closer in the cosmic dance between the two in the couples, she would jerk her sphere's membrane higher from the pull of the sucking, burning stronger (blue stars). When the dark star would go away in the dancing and rotating, her membrane would burn lower, weaker (yellow stars). The males would be harder to spot on the sky, as they only cause the sunshine. Thank your for your comments and thoughts. I think it is very romantic, the idea. About coupling of the stars. Luka
  9. A bird is born with wings, it flies.

  10. Exactly same is exactly once.

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