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Liquid nitrogen


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When you have liquid oxygen you can carry it around and whenever you feel like, just have a sip of refreshing, 100% oxygen... Or don't. By the way, isn't it rather dangerous to breath near 100% oxygen all the time?

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100% oxygen can kill you and i first have to get a supply of liquid nitrogen before i can do any experiments my grandpa used to be a manager of some type company that use's liquid nitrogen so he has some "contacts" maybe he could help me :D he should he was the one who first got me to making some black powder, and doing experiments. when i was a kid he poured some liquid nitrogen into a bottle capped it and threw it now im not going to do that because bloody hell it was loud and the force which comes of that, and even better me parents are away for two weeks so home alone with nothing to do hmmm i wounder what i will be doing :rolleyes: anyway if i do manage to get some liquid nitrogen i will show you photos of how i will make liquid oxygen cross my fingers that i will get my liquid nitrogen, and my other experiments

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boris, by calculation(im not good at math, so this is someone elses calculation) 100ml of liquid nitrogen in a 2 liter bottle could potentially expand to 30,000psi. remember that liquid nitrogen expands to 6 hundred something times is volume when it evaporates. so does liquid oxygen, so you'll need a big thing of oxygen to make a small thing of liquid oxygen. but hey, thats some rocket fuel for ya!!!

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Oh man, i can't belive that someone is trying to make liquid oxygen! That is nuts man. Best of luck -- i just hope you realize that saftey glasses will not help you at all. Explosions of liquid oxygen have been known to project glass shards through the saftey glass of hoods. And just so someone told you (though you might already know this) liquid oxygen will vigorously attack oils, grease and other organics. So just be sure that you keep the stuff away from that. OTherwise you will be in a world of hurt quite quickly.


Now i am not trying to stop you (though i do think this is a horribly stupid idea saftey wise) i just would feel bad if i didn't mention a few things. That is all.

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i know i have had second thoughts about it i first saw it on brainiac they poured liquid oxygen onto a nappy basicaly all cotton so it holds more oxygen and they lit it with a flame on a stick and wow flames shoot into the air it coverd about 2 meter radius but if i was going to make it it would only be a very small sample not even enough to fill a test tube

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You can spill liquid nitrogen on youself without too much trouble. I've done it many times. :) As long as it's not a lot of liquid, it will just sting for a bit and you'll feel reallllllllllllllly cold. Your body heat is able to boil away all the liquid nitrogen that is in direct contact with your skin and forms a small protective layer. However, if there is too much liquid nitrogen then the protective layer dissapears and your flesh begins to freeze. But in chem lab we used to always just spill a little on ourselves and it really did nothing.


We also made LOx in our p-chem lab. We simply got a small, uninsulate cup of liquid nitrogen and put it on a little rack above a small, insulated beaker. The coldness of the liquid N2 cause LOx to form on the outside of the cup and drip into the beaker. We then sped things up by taking one of those small welding cylinders of oxygen and sprayed it onto the cup. Pretty soon we had a decent amount of sky blue liquid in the thermal beaker. :D

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jdurg, if a drop of liquid nitrogen gets on your skin its no problem, you have enough body head to boil it all off in a short amount of time...however, if the surface area is larger, say more than 3 square inches of flesh, you can expect some type of frostbite, or the beginnings of it.

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jdurg that is similar to the way i was going to make it except i would use a copper tube coiled as a condenser and run oxygen through it the copper coil will be in a container with a hole in the so a staight piece can be pushed through then the hole will be sealed up and you pour liquid nitrogen in the container let it cool then top the container up, the liquid oxygen should drip out of the striaght copper tube at the end into a test tube which is insulated,

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  • 5 years later...
boris, most compressed gas companies will give you as much as you want, the only thing is though, they dont give it to you unless you have a suitable container. like a dewar flask. and those are like...100+ dollars. also, dont store it in anything with a closed cover. ]


We've got a company called Scott Gross that will sell, but I need an appropriate dewar. I coundn't get a straight answer on what appropriate is, except that it's labled. I doubt it's labled "appropriate." I could use some sources for buying the cheapest possible "suitable" dewar. I've tried ebay, but I can't find anything with a lid for an afordable price. They won't sell it to you if you only have a lidless flask, will they?

I can spend right around $100. I expect a challenge, at that price.

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