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How to time travel


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We are all traveling in time already. There are many ways and means allready available to manipulate time. There is thermo dynamic time dialation, there is gravitational time dialation, and there is relative velocity time dialation, and acceleration time dialation. Light in water slows down, therefore time in water slows down, just a fraction but still.

Time traveling into the future is no mystery. Time traveling into the past should be just as easy. If we take off and accelerate to one quarter the speed of light relative to earth say for a two month loop in space. The earth would be older than two months old upon retutn. We've traveled into the future. Simple and agrees with the known theory of relativity.

To go into the past, we'll take off in our space ship and travel one half of this same loop at one quarter the speed of light and on the second half of the journey we'll accelerate to one half the speed of light. Half way back we'd be at the present moment that we left, therefore we should arive back on earth a little in the past.

We probaly wouldn't have to make such a long trip. We could probably recreate these time dialations just outside of our planets gravitational pull in a lab. yeah, I got a couple of ideas but first I want to see what everybody thinks about the above loop concept.


I'll call the above Loop theory "whip lash theory" so it's easy for me to remember and for us to refer to.

Edited by 36grit
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I am such an idiot. I can't beleive I posted that.

To time travel back into the past will be a colossal, possibly intergalactic endevor. I'td be easier to put the sun's rays back into the sun than to go back into time. And even then it'd just be a present instance of the past. If we go into the future by traveling a loop near the speed of light, we have only altered our own time frame. And what good would this do if we could never go back?

Perhaps, it would be good, to go back and study a lost solar system that once hosted intelligent life. Maybe we could learn from their mistakes. Maybe, it'd just be nice to posses that kind of power. First, we'll have to realize time as a physical entity. Einsein unified time and space as a physical entity. Time is space, or one might say, the expansion of distance is time at work. We need to know how to define the present time of a given time frame. Time is releative to motion. One might ask, the motion of what?. It seems the simple answer is matter. Time dialation is an attribute of matter. If we are to look for the present time with in a given time frame we'll need to examine the matter within it. We'll need to understand something we do not yet unserstand. The origin of the time, the expansion rate, and motion relative state, of the matrix within a subject time frame system.

I'd like to propose a possible state of present time within a single atom's structure:


The distance between the electron and the nucleous is equal to the distance vibrated by the proton in a single cycle of present time in any given time frame of matter.


I wonder if there is any way to prove or disprove the statement. Mathmatically or otherwise. I wonder if anyone else has a theory on "What is present time".







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I am such an idiot. I can't beleive I posted that.

To time travel back into the past will be a colossal, possibly intergalactic endevor. I'td be easier to put the sun's rays back into the sun than to go back into time. And even then it'd just be a present instance of the past. If we go into the future by traveling a loop near the speed of light, we have only altered our own time frame. And what good would this do if we could never go back?

Perhaps, it would be good, to go back and study a lost solar system that once hosted intelligent life. Maybe we could learn from their mistakes. Maybe, it'd just be nice to posses that kind of power. First, we'll have to realize time as a physical entity. Einsein unified time and space as a physical entity. Time is space, or one might say, the expansion of distance is time at work. We need to know how to define the present time of a given time frame. Time is releative to motion. One might ask, the motion of what?. It seems the simple answer is matter. Time dialation is an attribute of matter. If we are to look for the present time with in a given time frame we'll need to examine the matter within it. We'll need to understand something we do not yet unserstand. The origin of the time, the expansion rate, and motion relative state, of the matrix within a subject time frame system.

I'd like to propose a possible state of present time within a single atom's structure:


The distance between the electron and the nucleous is equal to the distance vibrated by the proton in a single cycle of present time in any given time frame of matter.


I wonder if there is any way to prove or disprove the statement. Mathmatically or otherwise. I wonder if anyone else has a theory on "What is present time".







Only motion of gravitation field relatively of object slows time of object.Time is quantity of motion."Present time" is quantity of motion in which a soul is able to change motion .smile.gif

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The Gate keeper

By Mark Beal


Electrons a frame around time

the past

a gentle hug

expand or contract the nucleous

Q E Dynamicaly

the speed of light is a stroll

in time forward




If my model is correct to date, then time travel may be possible.

Brief synopsys of the model:


Light is an electro magnetic disturbance on a wave of time

Present time is a small time dialation that exists between the nucleous of an atom

and the electron. Space is the after shock of present time. The cycle is continuous

and these shock waves are the momentum that holds everything in it's place

quantum momentums determine the position of the present time.

The band width of the present time is determined by the expansion rate

of an atoms nucleous.

We are standing still as time moves away from us.

We can only see down our own "pipe lines" of time

and how they mix, in the momentum matrix.


How to time travel:


To time travel we'll have to expand and contract, the nucleous. The present time band width is relative to the expansion/contraction of this quantum field. And, we'll have to do this faster than the speed of time (light).

I have a couple of ideas on how to this if your from Hollywood :)

Edited by 36grit
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It'd probably be a waste of tme to time travel into the past. You might find a new meaning for the phrase "Ghost Town".

To go backi n time like in the movies you'd probably have to resurrect a solar system out of black hole.

We might could do this by some how reflecting the magnetic force streaming out of the center of a black hole

while somehow dialating it's center. While this might be possile it is'nt very probable or feasable. Except maybee in

the movies. If we had enough information we could probably model it on a computer.

The main idea here is that : "The magnetic stream probably does contain information,within it's structrure, about the solar system that was and the things inhaled over the years. Waves of quantum history. The magnetic information of every atom that was imploted by it's force.

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