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Which one is correct?, energy to mass


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We know energy can be translated into matter. But I wonder which one is correct from this transform equations.


A) Energy---------------------------------> matter + antimatter

B) Energy + vacuum -------------------> matter + antimatter

C) Energy + space----------------------> matter + antimatter

D) Energy + vacuum + space---------> matter + antimatter

E) Energy + space time ---------------> matter + antimatter

F) Energy + vacuum + space time---> matter +antimatter

G) Others

Which one is correct? And, why do you think like that? Do you have any theoritical background?

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That's not true, at least when the terms energy and matter are taken literally.


In the hadron collider this reaction occur.

P(very big kinetic energy)-------------> 2P + P-

So we can describe

Energy -----------------------------------> particle + anti-particle

At the Universe inflation after Big Bang

Energy -----------------------------------> particle + anti-particle

What I doubt about is the step to create matter, to create matter we need a space for particle and to extract mass in the empty space we need to make new space time curvature.

These steps are not easy to describe.

Are there any good opinions and #1 answer?

Edited by alpha2cen
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