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John Rockefeller exposed as a communist


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Some expert sleuthing by America's most misunderstood political commentator Glenn Beck exposes one of America's quintessential "Robber Barons" as, in fact, being a communist.

Many courtesies to Mr. Beck for his investigative services.
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Oww! The stupid! It burns!!




But let's get real, one of the several actual motives for Beck's latest bug-eyed, comic-sinister monologue — other than to gain himself more publicity and to mash the words "progressive/fascist/communist" into a single loaded term — is to put it to NBC, arch-rival of Fox News and co-owner of MSNBC, which is headquartered at Rock Center. One of the first insidious works that Beck "discovers" are a pair of carved low-relief figures, called Industry and Agriculture, that flank the entrance of one of the low-rise buildings on the Center's south end.




Let's put aside for a moment the fact that sickles and hammers were symbols of agriculture and labor long before the communists hit upon the idea of combining them as their symbol. And that workers and farmers were a standard theme in Art Deco. I had actually always thought the "hammer" Industry leans on was a shovel, buried partly in soil represented by the dark grey stone base of the building. That's why the figure always looked less to me like a symbol of militant labor than a WPA road worker on a break. (At the feet of Agriculture grass grows from the same grey "soil".) The Rockefeller Center website also describes the thing as a shovel. <

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I'm confused... is he actually trying to say that Rockefeller was actually a communist because he paid for some public art?


Or is it more along the lines of "he wasn't really an evil capitalist because look at all the left-leaning artwork he paid for"?


Or is it just the drunken ramblings of a crazed man they found in Central Park who happens to look and sound like Glenn Beck?


Please tell me this is a joke along the lines of Phil Hendrie or Stephen Colbert.

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Glenn beck is irrefutably a 'Big Daft Cock'.

Unfortunately, he's on T.V, and thus able to spread his retarded nonsense far and wide.

A feeling of abject lament for humanity overcomes me whenever I see this cerebrally challenged moron vomiting onto our screens.

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why does fox news seem to be pumping out more raw sewage as 'news' than usual? seriously, it sounds as if someone up the line has decided to use some guy on a REALLY bad acid trip as a filter between them and the actual story.


maybe its just because i'm in the UK and hence distanced from the crap they call 'news'

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I realized this morning that his approach in this story is reminiscent of phrenology, or astrology. It's like he's citing the fact that he sees a face on the moon as evidence that aliens live there, and he's retarded for doing so.


I_A - It's not just Fox. They are especially bad, but all news organizations right now are pretty consistently failing to do their basic jobs. The biggest problem as I see it is that there is a huge market for this 50-kiloton thermostupid in our nation, and their ratings are through the roof. I kid you not... Fox has quadruple the viewership of the other major news organizations. Ignorance is spreading through our nation as if it's contagious.


I watch a lot of C-SPAN and WorldNews on PBS, and listen to NPR. They have bias, too, but at least I'm getting pretty objective facts most of the time.

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why does fox news seem to be pumping out more raw sewage as 'news' than usual? seriously, it sounds as if someone up the line has decided to use some guy on a REALLY bad acid trip as a filter between them and the actual story.


maybe its just because i'm in the UK and hence distanced from the crap they call 'news'


Is it? I don't watch Fox News -- can you fill me in on how this news network has increased its social commentary offerings?


My dim recollection is that they used to offer Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity through the old Hannity and Combs (sp?) show, which I've read is now just Sean Hannity, and I've learned from our discussions here that they've added Glenn Beck to their lineup somewhere. What else is there?

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Is it? I don't watch Fox News -- can you fill me in on how this news network has increased its social commentary offerings?


My dim recollection is that they used to offer Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity through the old Hannity and Combs (sp?) show, which I've read is now just Sean Hannity, and I've learned from our discussions here that they've added Glenn Beck to their lineup somewhere. What else is there?

It's not just commentary shows, it's political gimmicks (intended to mislead) embedded in anywhere from the side-scrolling text banners, to labels of politically opposed congressmen or ideologies, to even the regular "news" dialogue.


Here's an example: Fox Taboids has mislabeled a Republican who's in scandalous hot water as being a Democrat enough times to signal purposefulness. The YouTube vid below reveals an instance of that (first couple seconds).



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Is it? I don't watch Fox News -- can you fill me in on how this news network has increased its social commentary offerings?


My dim recollection is that they used to offer Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity through the old Hannity and Combs (sp?) show, which I've read is now just Sean Hannity, and I've learned from our discussions here that they've added Glenn Beck to their lineup somewhere. What else is there?


Fox News had a bad enough lineup to begin with having the O'Reilly Factory, Hannity (formerly Hannity and Colmes), Hannity's America, Fox Report/Shepherd Smith (or whatever he's doing now), Your World With Cavuto, whatever the crap Gretta Van Sustren's show is, etc.


Then to that they added Glenn Beck, and he's been more popular than almost all of it except for O'Reilly. Glenn Beck is surpassing Hannity, and he has the 5PM slot.


Fox News has their own Howard Beale. I wonder if they know what to do with him when he goes completely bonkers.




Oh yeah, Glenn Beck hates 9/11 victims families and wants them to shut up. Seriously. That's practically a direct quote. I'm not kidding:



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