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Mandrake installing problem....


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I think this problem is better explained by Mandrake users.... :)


Buffer I/O error on device hdc

Media error


Above is the message while I am installing Mandrake v10


It takes a long time on repeating this message, and finally Mandrake cannot recover this...


Any help?



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  • 2 weeks later...

thx mossoi, I have tried to check the md5sum in the images directory.....


and I think there could be an error, below is the orginal md5sum file:


df2b3e5e259d55081ad17bacc6d33e44 cdrom-changedisk.img

8a98a8fa80055619555c3a2ef41ca74c cdrom.img

6e9796f6df07763cf5fbdc7a2fc65591 hd_grub.img

0bcea9db86050be3181bab0a43d0e74d network.img

45b70937615fbf0bce2bb91ed9a420bd network_drivers.img

9d88fded87b35d7a4c08aa8478352369 pcmcia.img


and below is what the fsum checked in the directory:


8a98a8fa80055619555c3a2ef41ca74c cdrom.img

6e9796f6df07763cf5fbdc7a2fc65591 hd_grub.img

0bcea9db86050be3181bab0a43d0e74d network.img

45b70937615fbf0bce2bb91ed9a420bd network_drivers.img

9d88fded87b35d7a4c08aa8478352369 pcmcia.img


As the original file has one more file which does not exist (shown in italic)


would it possibly be one of the problem?


I just want to make sure, so I dont waste on burning a CD...



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In advance of my previous message,........


I have managed to download cdrom-changedisk.img from the Internet, and its md5 is the same.......


Then what is the solution?


do I copy it to the iso, or delete the line in the md5sum?


Ps. I really need the help very urgently, because I have tried installing and failed for weeks .... :mad:




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yes, thouroughly, and there is even no infromation about md5sum..........

Moreo over, I got an Image Checksum Error when I boot the CD....


So, if you guys are not sure, then I still want to know, is it a problem that there is no cdrom-changedisk.img in the directory?



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I got the CD1 of Mandrake powerpack from my friend....


and it still has problem when installing......


This time is different error:


Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM:

No Emulation

ISOLINUX 1.76 Mandrake Linux isolinux: Image checksum error, sorry.....


Boot failed: press a key to retry...


As shown above, there are 2 errors shown in italics......


Is it still same problem of md5sum? or any other solutions?


Please help..... Apreciate in advance...



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As Dave says I would try another CD Drive and plug that into a seperate IDE channel to the HDD you're installing onto. If that doesn't work then why not buy a Linux magazine with a build on the cover disc?

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I have found the problems..................................


I have checked the asc file of mandrake............................


and it shows that the original iso has a differnet md5 according to the asc file...


Would the difference in md5 occur the error as I said previously?



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Maybe some of you know that I had the problems of installing mandrake on my laptop.......


In the beginning, I installed with the ISOs with the right checksum, and it has an error of media on the sectors, but it works fine on my desktop....


then, I tried downloading the offical version instead of community, but same problem....


hence, I tried the powerpack which I borrowed from my friend, because since it is a version that you need buy, I think it would have more driver support or more compatible..... :confused: .....but it fails, since it has a problem of wrong checksum........ (thx to dave for suggest of checksum, and mossoi for the programs :) ) during the transoformation of CD image file.....


Finally, I tried downloading powerpack with the right checksum on the Internet, and it works finally.........



At the end, I have a few wonders,

Does Mandrake have more driver support or compability on any hardware for commercial version than the free ones (like community , offical)?

since it seems like in my experience......



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Does Mandrake have more driver support or compability on any hardware for commercial version than the free ones (like community , offical)?


sorry for asking again, but those answers I cant find on the Internet, maybe some experience users know?



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