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Some news


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Since no one has bothered posting news in weeks, here's some highlights from current news:


Pi was calculated to 1.2411 trillion digits


This week's Nature has published the complete mouse genome


IBM, Intel, and HP plan to build a nationwide wireless ISP


Some researchers came up with the idea the valleys on Mars came from melting meteors, that all just happened to hit Mars and not Earth, the Earth's moon, Mars' moons, etc.


Canada actually did something right and wouldn't let a commercial corporation take out a patent on the mouse that is genetically programmed to really prone to cancer. It's patented in the US and EU.


NASA has put up Landsat images that make up a collection called Earth as Art


Some Aussie did a massive research project on which knot is best for tying shoes. Great job!


The Brits covered up a really credible UFO sighting.




And these are just a small fraction of what everyone here should have been motivated to do full stories on :P

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