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New Poll on Prejudice Amongst Voters


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Interesting article at CBS News about a new poll run by the Associated Press and Yahoo.




The gist of it is that the pollsters set out to see if racism might explain why Obama isn't soaring over McCain in the polls right now, given all the factors at work against Republicans at the moment. That in itself is seen by many as a loaded question, or perhaps even an indication of media bias, but I think it's based on a lot of non-partisan factors and therefore a legitimate question. At any rate, that's the question they asked, and some of the results were interesting.


According to the poll released Saturday, a little over one-third of white Democrats and independents agreed with at least one negative adjective about blacks, and they are less likely to vote for Obama than those who don't hold such views.


Lots of Republicans harbor prejudices, too, but the survey found they weren't voting against Obama because of his race. Most Republicans wouldn't vote for any Democrat for president - white, black or brown.


Interesting. They're not saying there are no racists amongst Republicans, they're saying it doesn't matter because they wouldn't vote for a Democrat anyway. Therefore a small percentage of Democrats who may be racist is more relevant.


And more importantly, perhaps, would be the number of racists amongst independents, since they're the ones most likely to decide an election these days anyway, given how motivated the "bases" are.


I'm still not convinced that racism is a factor in this election, but this reasoning makes basic sense to me. What do you all think?

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The most bizarre about the results is that no matter how bad a republican government, a large part of the republicans are as devoted to their party as many believers are to their god(s). That might also go for democrats btw.


How can you ever have a functioning democracy with voters like that?

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Obama has stumbled because he is not a professional politician. He is propped up by his advisors and all. He lacks that ultimate sizzle effect simply because he is a new guy on the block. Of course, a certain percentage of people are always going to be racially inclined, but even further, some are going to attribute this occasional lack of eloquence to being black.


While the masses race to free the token black man, McCain pimps a fresh face with a fighting spirit, but I don't see it making up for his war-mongering style.

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