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Mooeypoo and Pinch Paxton's Delightful Enquiries into the Potential for Special Variation in Life Forms that Endure Ecological Isolation, For Instance Off-World Communities and Related Biological Manifestations

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It sounds to me that the way you see the world is the way it exists on earth.


Personally, in my humble opinion, I find that to be awfully weird if that is the case.


it's been 500 years after mankind found out earth is not the center of the universe. Thinking everything out there is similar to us, is just something I find extremely arrogant of us.


No, you have invented another FACT there. I don't imagine everything the same as Earth, infact your examples of Fish, and black, and white, and Chinease people are far more related to Earth than my own examples. You infact are the one struggling to imagine things that are not from Earth.


All I said was that eyes are probably the best way to see.



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Okay ,we're going in circles.




All *I* said was that I don't think that the aliens that are close enough to earth to have COME here already, will even NEED to SEE, therefore might not need eyes.

They might not EXIST the way anything on earth exists, therefore they should be completely and utterly different than earthly things.

ENTIRELY different.

Zillionth-Dimention-Dwellers Different.


You may argue with me on THAT ONE, but all hell, stop arguing about specific tiny words. I keep getting the feeling you don't read my entire posts. I think I explained that theory of mine for 10 times already, and each time you keep saying that fish are related to earth... for crying out loud, I gave the fish example a few posts ago, in an entirely different try to try and state that life on earth are relatively ALIKE.

READ my words before you just randomly use parts of them wherever you feel comfortable for your own discussion.


If you want to give me an example of imaginary something you haven't ever encountered, please. That would be the only thing that might shatter my belief in this.


I fail to find the point to this. You seem to take every second word I say and find the hidden subcontext meaning behind it.


I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. I don't get what you didn't understand by my posts. If there's anything that is not understood, ask a specific question.


Otherwise, I seriously don't see what you want.




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It's based on the FACT that people can't imagine anything they haven't encountered before



As much as I have heard this, I have never heard a reason for it from a credible source, or any source for that matter.

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It's a psychological fact (as any other psychological fact). I will have to search for the source, but even if it's not claimed to be a fact, Its still something I strongly believe in. I have NEVER seen anyone break this.


You're right though, I'll try my best to find the source, I've known this for a while and I will have to search hard for the precice origin of this fact.


Also, take into acount that almost nothing in psyhology is extremely "proven fact". Most psychological facts are proven because nothing else has shattered them. (much like in general science ;) )


I'll get back to you on this one though, when I find it..



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