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The luminous eyes.


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Do you know why do the eyes of some animals glow in the dark ?


The truth is that the glow is only the reflection of light from a source.


the reason that the reflection takes place is that there is alayer of crystalline substance in the eyes.


the animals that have more blood vessels in their eyes emitt a reddish glow.

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Do you know why do the eyes of some animals glow in the dark ?


The truth is that the glow is only the reflection of light from a source.


the reason that the reflection takes place is that there is alayer of crystalline substance in the eyes.


the animals that have more blood vessels in their eyes emitt a reddish glow.


The structure in question is know as a tapetum lucidum (it means bright carpet). The structure is primitive for vertebrates and reflects light to aid in nocturnal visions.


Monkeys, apes, and humans (anthropoids) lack a tapetum, as do tarsiers interestingly.

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