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Complex Systems


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Would you think such as being a juvenile version of a more to be large scale field of science in general in the future?


Complex systems seems to derive already from the reality of various natural sciences, but I think without various biases such hold simply from axioms of choice. What I mean is any newcomer to any field of natural science is not taught at first to think really about what they are learning but rather just to learn it, and from that any real endeavors after that point seem to be instantly rejected if they do not follow along the same lines.


For instance. Whatever natural laws of the universe that exists, they allowed for life to come into existence by whatever definitions we happen to attribute to it. Yet it would seem that such a reality is hardly represented in physics overall save past minor discussion.


I guess what I am getting at is from the point in which sciences were actually segregated in study, by I think Descartes, they have developed independent views and axioms of nature with no real desire or urge to make a more composite view. I guess physics tries with various attempts as a GUT, but such hardly works out.


From the various natural sciences though it would seem various truisms have come about in relation to reality, in which I find being the prime products of study in complex systems, I also think again because of the relative age of such a field that is has not become for lack of better words degraded with various axioms that have to be satisfied by any idea put forward.


Do you think such a field has promise to advance human understanding of reality in the future more so then any typical field which lead to its creation?


Hers is a link from wiki on the subject as a general overview.



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Complexity, chaos theory, emergence and informatics are all disciplines of ergodics, or intersections, at least. Complex systems (like our planet, the internet, just about anything complicated) are a big deal right now.

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