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Evicting from public schools...


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My parents have made the choice to home school me, since I am having a horrid time in Somerville High School, and feel that I could work a lot more decisively in the constraints of a home enviorment. However, I also need social activities, apart from my friends, so qoutes my dear mother. So is thier any way I could actually get into a lab of some sort to observe? I dont know a terrific sum of information, which mainly pertains to Biology, but I feel it would be incredibly helpful to be in that enviorment. Does anyone know of any institutes or such facilities with labs which may be willing to allow observation on my part? I reside in Central New Jeresy, if that aids in reply. Thanks.

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social activities = lab work??? are you sure thats the social activity your parents want??? not like social/science clubs or sports clubs?


but like skye said try universities.....if your willing to volunteer and learn, then someone may accept you...and may even pay you if they really like the work you do.

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