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Negative and Positive


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see. For example, matter has anti matter. Bubbles have anti bubbles. You know, the opposite kind of thing. Its really hard to explain. I am thinking whether everything has an opposite to it. I can't really explain 'everything' i can give examples, like bubbles, matter, etc. Hmmm..... very hard to explain.

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Not if I am evil! Muhahahahah! :haha:


But seriously, I'm still not sure if everything has an opposite. Matter has, but I wouldn't say that one color is the opposite of another color. Though then again light is the opposite of darkness, or is darkness just the absence of light...?

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Cheetah said

I wouldn't say that one color is the opposite of another color




well, actually, i would disagreed with u. Cause colors DO have opposites. Red is the opposite of green, for example. You can know this easily. Go to paint, in ur comp. Then, use the fill color to fill the background with a color of ur choice, then, go to image, then invert the color. That is the opposite of the color u have chosen. So black becomes white!

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And then again black and white aren't real colors, are they? Or maybe they are, I don't know.


But to see red we need both red pigments and light. And so wouldn't the opposite of red be green pigments and an equal amount of absent of light? But then again it would be black, wouldn't it?


Looking over what I just wrote, I'm wondering if everything I just wrote is BS... but I'll post it anyway, maybe there is something in it.

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with paints, red is opposite to green because they mix to make brown. similarily, blue is opposite of orange, and yellow is opposite or purple. but with light, there are different rules (plus they are just wavelengths, like Rad Ed said.

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yeah, sound has an anti. but after what u guys said about light, i'm doubting that there is an anti. Maybe, it is similar to antimatter. We yet do not know whether it exists or not. Maybe it is waiting to be discovered!


I really don't know!

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aommaster said in post # :

yeah, sound has an anti. but after what u guys said about light, i'm doubting that there is an anti. Maybe, it is similar to antimatter. We yet do not know whether it exists or not. Maybe it is waiting to be discovered!


I really don't know!


as I said, light is definitely it's own antiparticle. We theorised antimatter as a result of looking at the symmetries in the dirac equation, and when we look at the symmetries for light, then we see that it is it's own antiparticle.

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don`t get confused by the words Opposite and the counter effects we observe with our senses.

in simple "Classification" a precursor for all scientific learning, you`re taught for instance that the opposite of "Boys" isn`t "Girls", the other set is "Not Boys".

they then filter down into their own subsets and so on.

the opposite of color is therefore NOT Colored, and the only 2 that fit that catagory are Black and White, black being the absence of color, and white being All colors.

red and green are just different subsets of White.

the true opposite of red is black, and the true opposite of green is also black :)

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then if your catagory is "Life" then NOT alive would be opposite :)

good and evil are NOT opposites, they share many common factors (emotion and actions being just 2 for instance) the TRUE opposite would be NO emotion or indifference :)

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