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Politics Aside, Iran Endorses GM Rice

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Iran, and to be specific, the Mullahs and Ayatollahs, calling the shots in Tehran want to develop nuclear weapons under the guise of nuclear energy. Iran’s ambition for a nuclear weapon has given it a bad name.


But is every Iranian a devil? I don’t think so. I agree with the Bush Administration that ordinary Iranians are like you and me. They’re a part of the global society and have made enormous contribution in all spheres of life, including science and technology.


Two weeks ago, just to cite an example, Iranian scientists released a report endorsing consumption of genetically modified rice. Considering that GM rice is a Western innovation, few people would have expected an Iranian scientist to endorse GM rice.


GM rice is rich in Vitamin A, and has the potential to alleviate childhood blindness which is prevalent in developing countries.


We should all applaud Iranian scientists for these findings. The most important lessons to learn here are, 1) not all Iranians are devils and 2) science is blind to political differences.


To read more about the Iranian findings on GM rice, go to http://www.gmoafrica.org/2006/06/politics-aside-iran-endorses_25.html

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By "politics aside," I meant the Iranians have refused to play politics with this issue. They have put politics aside to endorse genetically modified rice.


not really. Just because a few Iranian scientists have come out with this statement, does not mean all Iranians will agree. I'm waiting for the religious opposition on this one, no?

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