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The Unkown Order...


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Conspiracy Theory

By Aoi Okami


It has come to my attention that there is a society out there that not many know about. I do not now know of the name of this society. What I do know is that they control every goverment on the planet. Thus I shall for now call them "the goverment." They do not work alone, and they control nearly everything. They are behind every major event, and nearly every unknown phenomenon. Every sight of a mountain yeti, Lock Ness monster, and cyclops is really just one of their sick experiments either running loose, or in their contained area that a lone hiker accidently walks into to. They have technologies we can barley imagine, and do sick experiments that make the Nazis look like boy scouts. "Where is my proof?" you ask. Where is it not? They control the media, and so every movie that comes out about aliens or ghosts or big foot is just a way to make you say, "Hey, if they made a movie about it, it must be fake." or "You only believe that because they made a movie about it". Its a wat to distract your mind. They put drugs in your food at the schools your children go to, to make them more susceptible to their other brain manipulations. There is no hope of escaping their manipulation. They use too many ways. I am lucking, for I have discovered their plans early on and have enough to take counter measures. I may just sound paranoid, but the truth is right there. JFK was assassinated because either he wouldn't go along with some of their more cruel ideas, or he was too greedy and wanted more power than they would let him have. Or they merely did it to rouse suspicion of what they done, to cut us out of the population, and make us look like the bad guys. They caused September 11th to rouse patriotism in the country. What better way than blame terrorism and kill a few hundred guys?. As Issac Asimov said in his book foundation, a goverment controlling a large amount of people must have a disaster every 20 to 50 years or it will fall apart. Sure, he was probably paid by the goverment to write the book to make those who believe look like paranoid freaks for believing something written in a science fiction book. But that is where a lot of the truth is hidden. They make the truth so easy to find so us paranoids will look stupid while others say, "Why would they make something so secret so easy to find?" Its obvious psychology. The best camouflage is right out in the open. Look at the time between world war one and two. Twenty years! Its right there. Always read between the lines. The only thing they don't control is certain net adresses. They know a lot about the human mind, but the masters of computers is not the goverment, but the S.Y.S.T.E.M. I will go into further information on them in a later article. But Democracy, Communism, Dictatorship, Hegemony; all ideas the goverment came up with to fool s into thinking we control our own lifes. But our lifes, our deaths, and everything else is all controlled by this mysterious organization. The started Napoleon's and Hitler's movment to take over the world, and then crashed their parade. That way they make the world think that the word cannot be controlled by one group. All of history, and most likley mostof the future will be controlled by the goverment. Unless someone is can expose their corrupt ways. I most likely will be found and arrested for something I didn't do for writing this. But everyone will believe I did it, and the trial will be controlled by them. So if I end up in jail, that should be enough proof if I haven't given enough to you already. I know I may sound a little farfetched, but I am completely serious. They are watching you, and they are watching me. Its all a game, a sick demented expirement. Spread the word...

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