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Gammaray Bursts (all you ever wanted to know)


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this survey covers what has been observed so far

and what people think causes them



Gamma-Ray Bursts

P. Meszaros

To appear in Rep. Prog. Phys., 74 pages, 11 figures

"Gamma-ray bursts are the most luminous explosions in the Universe, and their origin and mechanism are the focus of intense research and debate. More than three decades after their discovery, and after pioneering breakthroughs from space and ground experiments, their study is entering a new phase with the recently launched Swift satellite. The interplay between these observations and theoretical models of the prompt gamma ray burst and its afterglow is reviewed."



GRBs are important. They are a furnace where it may be possible to test quantum gravity. Where the extreme predictions which differ from what ordinary gravity theory predicts can be checked----so mistaken theories can be thrown out and the good ones refined.


"Gamma-ray bursts are the most luminous explosions in the Universe." That says it. They are worth knowing about and here is a recent authoritative review article.


It will be out of date soon.

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here's a sample passage



...These proved that they were at cosmological distances, comparable to those of the most distant galaxies and quasars known in the Universe. Since even at these extreme distances (up to Gigaparsecs, or around 10^28 cm) they outshine galaxies and quasars by a very large factor, albeit briefly, their energy needs must be far greater. Their electromagnetic energy output during tens of seconds is comparable to that of the Sun over a few 10^10 years, the approximate age of the universe, or to that of our entire Milky Way over a few years. The current interpretation of how this prodigious energy release is produced is that a correspondingly large amount of gravitational energy (roughly a solar rest mass) is released in a very short time (seconds or less) in a very small region (tens of kilometers or so) by a cataclysmic stellar event (the collapse of the core of a massive star, or the subsequent mergers of two remnant compact cores). Most of the energy would escape in the first few seconds as thermal neutrinos, while another substantial fraction may be emitted as gravitational waves. This sudden energy liberation would result in a very high temperature fireball expanding at highly relativistic speeds, which undergoes internal dissipation leading to gamma-rays, and it would later develop into a blast wave as it decelerates against the external medium, producing an afterglow which gets progressively weaker. The resulting electromagnetic energy emitted appears to be of the order of a percent or less of the total energy output, but even this photon output (in gamma-rays) is comparable to the total kinetic energy output leading to optical photons by a supernova over weeks. The remarkable thing about this theoretical scenario is that it successfully predicts many of the observed properties of the bursts. This fireball shock scenario and the blast wave model of the ensuing afterglow have been extensively tested against observations,...



estimates of total energy released vary depending on whether you assume the brightness is beamed (and happens to be in our direction) or the same in all directions. The article discusses both kinds of models.

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Any idea what that cluster that moves across from left to right is?


no! I was curious about that too, but couldnt figure it out.

a wild guess (just to have something for Atheist to shoot down, if he reads the thread) would be that it is the moon


I mean: the animation covers 55 days at one frame per day


during 55 days the moon is going to move across the sky TWICE against the background of stars. it has a period of 29 days.


It DOES move across twice in the course of the animation.

so that streaky sucker could be the moon,


here is the link to the animation


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Martin Gamma burst are caused by the initial inversion of gravity that is present when a singularity is created, obviously before the gamma bust you can observe a bremmstrallung emmision of high enegy X radiation.


in quantum geometry, gravity does become repulsive at high density.

so in that model (which is still untested) you could say there is an "inversion" of gravity at some point in a collapse to hole.


your post sounds like this is your own theory---because you do not provide links to scholarly papers or arxiv numbers


as your own theory, all I can say is it sounds pretty reasonable as a conjecture (I can picture GRB caused that way) but I can't do anything with it.


I dont think anybody really knows what makes GRB, I think it is all conjecture at this point. I think people are in the process of figuring out.


I cant do anything with your ideas unless you give me handles to the professional literature, like some arxiv numbers. And even then, I might not be able to respond but I would have a chance anyway.


A postdoc at Penn State named Parampreet Singh had an idea that reminds me of yours. I like Singh's research and think he is smart. maybe you have seen something of that. but your profile says you live in CORNWALL where the Pirates of Penzance come from, where does a Cornishman study quantum gravity?

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current geophysic research points to inversion the best examples use binary modelling, I believe it is possible to adapt this theory to singular formation.

when a singularity is formed it is formed from a mass that has an immense gravity field that must contract to a geometric point in space that is less than the distance from its point of origin to its greatest point of mass in space. Now initially the amount of matter in the object does not change, what does change is the amount of space within the mass, space is displaced by matter, take a sponge and squeeze it to the limit of your strength, place it in a large container of water and allow it to absorb water until it has absorbed as much as it will absorb, if you remove it and squeeze it again with the same force as you used before it will release the water and remain compressed. when a mass is compressed by a collapsing gravity field it releases three things two of them are energy and space and eventually you enter a phase where you have a pure mass surrounded by a unified energy field.

imagination is the greatest initial tool we have so use your mind to see how under the force of gravity matter is reduce to the point where it no longer has space as part of its substance and it exists as pure matter within the dimension of space as it must, but outside of standard physical law.

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