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Eddie @ 10kOxygen

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Everything posted by Eddie @ 10kOxygen

  1. A nightmare for who lives here, that's true, but let's go to the optimistic side. Renewable energy is constantly increasing, and in any moment could be developed a new technology with more energy density than gasoline. After a while cheap EV cars with considerable mile range, clean, comparable, easy to market and sell. Why not a new revolution in clean energy harvesting, while the high prices of oil almost force to change ... the industry should also go to the non expensive alternatives. Wealth and power in this situation would look toward other extraction locations and not for those that lead to air contamination or only found in specific locations. A bit of action and you could live in a clean, stable environment in not so much time.
  2. Sorry for the bad joke! According to general relativity this sounds really interesting ... a space-time singularity to feed itself and take the energy, nice! Do I get it right? With two it would be easier one toward another in a cycle like you could emulate in that game called Portal, but who is going to make the experiment and where? That's worse than playing with fire!
  3. Experimenting with several gravity fields due to small objects, to achieve energy gain could be obvious. "Feed the big dog. IT bites!" Black holes seem rather dangerous.
  4. There was a nice idea about heating water with molten salt for still producing electricity at night in absence of sunlight. Since 2011 with great results!
  5. Warning about broad statements like "we know how gravity behaves in all on earth situations." Subatomic level was only an example of thousand millions in which gravity interacts, and now add to it all kind of present and future engineering. Science is already understanding several concepts very well, but this one is specially problematic because the key must be in that area. Think what could happen if someone is able of artificially creating a small object that generates a great quantity of gravity ... so that would be another situation.
  6. Ok ... but talking about global warming, carbon dioxide levels and such things, 384 yotta watts are enough energy to turn on a light bulb! The Sun is extremely powerful and it seems the best way to go due to being clean, free and produced externally, so it doesn't consume other finite resources. The related technology in solar energy reception is increasing each year, and a lot of population is now accustomed to it so they are helping.
  7. You can make experiments according to current technology and maths, but we should hope for new frontiers in knowledge. However, the argument includes using every possible actual situation and there are not a few. Only when something is totally understood you can make assumptions about how to control it or about his true behaviour. Do that earth situations you mention also include a subatomic level? Come on, that's not correct.
  8. As far as the history tells, we still don't know what Gravity finally is. It fits in several models but who knows what will be next, or who will claim to have the definitive knowledge about it. There are people talking about multidimensional models at CERN and this theory is the most amazing one, so add it to Newton, relativity or others. If you go to the lab, you'll get easily a sum of zero and ... time to think! The most important aspect is trying to find a method without being blocked by stereotypes that guarantee no success. Like it was said perhaps not alone or without using other kind of techniques. The objective is gain in a perpetual fashion and yes, it's still not done but tried since the origins.
  9. What C did to you? This language puts the power in your hands! For people with interest in doing some calculations and much more Octave or Matlab should do the trick without so much headaches.
  10. For passing an exam we could stay with joules / second or simply watts, not watt-hours in this case. Anyway thanks for the correction!
  11. This energy is really tricky, perhaps it would be possible without external source. Some people disagree of course and always end talking about laws that could be called theories in some way. Now the forum permits to edit two times, ok ... it's time limited!
  12. 1 watt is defined as a 1 joule per second, that was the idea. The Sun produces 384 yotta watts, and any measure of energy should account time. Power = energy / time 1 Watt = 1 Joule / sec
  13. Maybe there's a method to utilize it like Nature does, using other kind of available energy. With magnets is easier but if you can get energy from gravity alone all the related problems could be part of the history. Sorry, I've forgot a letter here: "Nature uses it frequently in the water cycle." Is not possible to edit a message two times?
  14. The other day we published an article about how many human civilizations could be powered by the Sun using watts per second, and it was in the order of billions. This energy is now simply wasted in exchange for air contamination. In general, there are more people that can use bike or other transportation methods without producing pollution like it's happening on Netherlands, but the point was that everybody is not completely innocent on the matter. That vehicle you mention could be comfortable or faster in some situations, but not equally healthy as making sport and sleeping well.
  15. Gravity as source of energy should be in the list because it is a great one and always present inside the planet. The acceleration is with seconds squared, so that's nice! And, Nature use it frequently in the water cycle.
  16. About this reality some observations: Even the wealthiest people need to breathe, have family and theoretically is a rational being capable of understanding the involved risks on this subject so the obstacle could be handled. Today wealth normally depends on customers, and then we are reaching an analysis about how capitalism sustains itself. A more informed people should take care about their life expectancy in this amazing planet, but everybody must put effort to change inertial actions. Inside that billion vehicles are people who could be using a bike.
  17. Right now there are several international agreements and specific justice courts for nations and this makes a good example of how could be in the future. It's nice to see how the world is evolving in this aspect, far from ancient times without human rights or governments with constitutions. In fact, we should not forget what democracy means because any society can elect and even create its own political parties. This scandal shouldn't be good for the current US government. There are other methods to apply sanctions.
  18. Sooner or later new international legislation should arrive in this aspect. To spy on private communications is enough for being imprisoned in a large number of locations and no government should be allowed to focus surveillance programs toward presumably innocent population. To say that the collected information is not used from a business viewpoint is easy, but who knows what's really happening out there. Meanwhile you can take actions to not being tracked. Spying private communications is also a shame!
  19. It's time to think about what would happen if all societies continue in this degradation rhythm. Perhaps near one billion polluting vehicles plus other sources are enough for endangering the atmosphere, climate and finally health.
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