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Everything posted by Ihcisphysicist

  1. I don't find it nowhere, a particular theard for psychology.
  2. Our subconscious gets constantly affected by the outer environment and since our conscious mind is directed by what our subconscious mind feeds upon. So does this mean we are a result of influences?
  3. For those who know, we know that our subconscious get affected oftenly by the outer environment, also if our consciousness is moulded by what our subconscious mind feeds upon, then it could simply mean that we are all prisoner of influences. What do you say?
  4. Yes that too although i mean in every aspect that it is inevitable of the fate that our universe is headed to. So i'm also questioning,' do humans stand a chance to escape the fate beholded to us because we are also a part of the effect, because of the complex rational ability of our mind which might surpass the laws of physics?'
  5. uh! Hello what bout "just yet"By the way those who have posted here, even if you are not familiar with basic physics but atleast i hope you all speak english. I mean what is there so impossible for you to understand even if you don't view it from the scientific point, you could have easily understood whatever i wrote had you known something about complex english. In simple words what i've been writing over again and again for you guys could simply be briefed in one sentence that, "the moment the universe expanded, everything was meant to be the way it is, because of the pattern followed by that which constitutes the universe". And don't ask me then why so long, i was only building momentum for you to grasp the concept whenever your bird brain begins to start rationalizing.
  6. Guess the attention on phonon was a lil divertion 4m the point.
  7. Phonons could also be subtitled under the behaviour of excited string particles, do you not agree. Phonons could also be subtitled under the behaviour of excited string particles, do you not agree.
  8. That is why i say that 'perspective' plays the biggest role in the illusion of time and space. So one could say that there is no time from the largest perspective of the universe.
  9. I could explain how the phonons behave in quantum mechanical field and space to justify how they could affect the whole universe but i'm not here to explain what is already been understood but rather to emphasize a little bit of every field of physics to actually explain the general physic of the universe. So i am sorry but i would write only what is to be written. And there still is more that i have to write so i can see how there are things not well explained above.
  10. I'm sure you are entitled to your own thought so..... Believe what you will Continuation. What i am implying is that everything in this universe, humans, matter, planets and the way energy is conserved in this universe is all the cause of an effect (not necessarily the big bang). The concept of causality covers every aspect of influences in this universe. When you switch on the button, the light bulb was fated to be lit it just couldn't escape it's purpose the moment the electricity was directed to enter the bulb. Even in philosophical concept such as karma, the action which we performed has affected someone else's mind and it was inevitable for us to get served be it sooner or later because of our actions it is just physics. But since i am stressing more about the physical world let the concept of karma be hypothetical. Like i was saying we are all the cause of an affect so are we bounded by the affect? As i have stated earlier because the subparticle that has affected and determined the behaviour of an atom, the atoms also determines the behaviour of the matter. When it comes to humans, we all know that the information stored in our DNA is vital to our psyche. What we may think we are in control of our mind, actually is in many ways the projections of our subconscious mind and our subconscious mind is determined by the billions of DNA in our cells which also has an accomplice through which it fuctions. Perspective as mentioned is the greatest illussion of space and time so if we learn about the way the world functions from our perspective then we could imply the same art of physics with exceptions if there is in larger pictures of the universe. It is said " you can't make a horse drink water by bringing him to a river" , "the cat only meows because it can't bark" so if you can't still grasp this topic than yes better not waste time. It is said " you can't make a horse drink water by bringing him to a river" , "the cat only meows because it can't bark" so if you can't still grasp this topic than yes better not waste time.
  11. There is not a defination to qualify one as physicist. What we understand about the way things work is proof enough to present ourself. Anyways the only reason i'm not implying quatum mechanical and dynamic properties is because that would lead you astray from the concept.
  12. I get what you mean but you should know this first that this topic being themed as 'the construct of the universe', i am not focusing on a particular field of physics but am combining particle physics, quantum and astrophysics so to try to explain from the first to the last aspect of the physics of the universe. And i have purposedly distributed the paras so that you could grasp the concept step by step. If you would want to know the general concept behind the topic then i'll brief it below; The movement of the string particles affects and determines the behaviour of the subatomic particles which would affect the atom and that would ultimate determine a matter. But there is a catch, how does the process work in the string or say the final matter in the universe? That would be something somehow had affected the first final particle/particles which paved way for a chain reaction simultaneously which is why the universe began to move or come into existence and by universe i mean everything on it. But why did i use the word 'perspective' too quite often is because it really plays infact the biggest role in the illussions of time and space. As you know universe is ever expanding at a great speed. If from our perspective regarldess of mass, then the current universe would have long ceased to extinction and a new universe would have formed the moment you finished reading this article. So even if the exicted state of the final matter through a period of billions or whatever years has yeilded our existence but this same final matter which would also ultimate determine the universe, have not still completed the expansion of our universe. And this final matter has everything to with what constitutes the universe.
  13. Of course there is life outside. It would be naive to assume that we are the perfect form of existence in the universe .
  14. Physically travelling to time is not possible but time, future, past and present could be viewed on an advanced particle code breaking computer. Physically travelling to time is not possible but time, future, past and present could be viewed on an advanced particle code breaking computer. Physically travelling to past and future is not possible but time, past , present and future could be viewed through an advance particle code breaking computer.
  15. Continuation.... Also understand that in the string level the simultaneous chain movement with friction with the available space does not mean it would follow a uniform pattern but every move causes the corresponding particle to shift its position and figure (appearance) which triggers similar effect to the alternatives and finally through this effect taking place simultaneously it affects the first particle altogether and thus the process goes on and on. So this behaviour of the the string particle would determine the making and state of an atom. Now lets look at it from the atomic perspective. Assume different elements with its own particuler color for eg hydrogen is green and other follow as yellow, red, brown, blue etc. Suppossedly they are drop in a spherical vaccum, since the vaccum had no force of its own they remain still. If you apply enough force on a hydrogen molecule, it would affect the rest of the molecules. In such a state what we'll observe is all the colors in the vaccum would begin to affect each other where if the yellow is pushed in its lower dimension by red then it would only push the molecules of other colors in various points of their dimension. And since they are packed inside a spherical vaccum, the force would not escape but would continue till this effect would change the behaviour of the strings and that would ultimately determine the state of the elements inside the vaccum in the course of time. But it is important to note that when the force was applied to the hydrogen atom, before it impacted the rest of the molecules, the string particles in the first atom had simultaneously been affected by the force and already the behaviour of the first atom determined. With the above process taking place simultaneously the atoms and the space around it determines the state, structure and functions of a matter. Now looking at the big picture, does human have a choice in determining it's own behaviour because of the complex rational ability of the mind? And more.... Continued....
  16. Let me start by saying that inorder to understand this, clear your mind for now and don't rationalize by applying other theories of renowned physicists just yet. Let us first learn about the way our body and mind function. There are five senses in our body as we know. What we think we see with our eyes is actually the information taken in and processed by our brain but we feel as if our eye is an single whole complete matter through which we have access with the outer environment. Also the other forms of perceptions are first processed by our brain then we could feel them if not a touch would not matter and food could not be tasted and so on. We are all made up of billions of cells or atoms and i would like you to credit the significance of the functions of the cells/atoms in determining us. Take a cell a single cell of our body. It may not not exactly have the structure of perceptions such as ours. I mean from the perspective of their size and structure, they necessarily need not have eyes,ears, toungue etc such ours but they do have their own means of perceptions. I guess that is reasonable. My point towards the the construct of the universe has directly nothing to do with the activities of our cell but its a long jump towards the conclusion so you need to hold on. When we touch our skin we assume it as a smooth plane surface, supposedly magnified and observe from the perspective of the cells then our skin would appear as a field of countless dandelions. Imagine a person sitting opposite to you, regardless of whether you two are paying attention to each other at the moment, the field of cell from your body and the latter's are interacting at a very unconscious level of your mind. How and in what way the are communicating, we'll get there later. Take a cell of your body again, though for us human these are the building blocks of life but a cell itself isn't the end, it is only a means itself. The fact that a cell has its subparticles such as nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes etc each with a distinctive features justifies that are still levels to breakdown before pointing oug the final piece of the puzzle. For those who knows a deal about the 'string theory' might be waiting for the real deal, but like i said it is a complex concept to grasp for anyone right at the conclusion before understanding every construct in it. So it is agreed that we could break down a cell or lets say an atom. Atom could be broken down into neutrons, electrons and protons. And via string theory these subparticle are further bronken down to quarks and the string particles. So in what ways does this string particles or any final particle affect our universe. Assuming that string particles could be the last piece to the jigsaw puzzle, consider this the quantum mechanics applied does not explain the complete process that affects the universe. So how and in what ways does the final particle affect our universe? Lets take a step back and understand this, a giant so big that a galaxy is a ball the size of a marble for him. So he takes a magnifying glass and observes that planets such as earth are an atom. So he further magnifies it assumes the water as electron and land as proton and analyses that neutron is situated at earth's core. When he further magnifies it he observes some some very tiny particles in the atom that tends to move independently with or without more/less influencing the behaviour of the atom(earth). Finally he could no longer magnify our earth for his eyes and assumes these random particles on earth are what binds the universe from his perspective. It is obvious that we are not the last matter to be brokendown to right. So lets continue right off. The fact that breaking the matter to its final particle again requires the explaination of the process it works and affect the universe, how life and universe came into existence. And by life i don't mean the blue-green algae that spun the evolution on earth but how everything began to move and come to life. Now i should just shoot it down because breakingdown to the final matter would only clear the path to question its subparticle just like 'who created our creator'. The fact is that matter of the same perspective share a bond not directly among them but by the particle micrscopic from their perspective which acts as a medium to grasp and incept the information at an unwary point of the former matter. Hence forth the last or final particle which lets assume the string particles, have direct contact through tight space around the and the movement of one creates a chain of simultaneous movement of the supposedly string particle, this state being reffered to as excited state in quantum mechanics. Now the movement affects the subatomic particles that would define and control the subatomic particles' behaviour, which would define the behaviour of an atom. Continued.........
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