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Everything posted by reverse

  1. Q: how do you feel today? A: Hungry. Hungry is Not an emotion! A comment that women often level at men is that they have no idea what emotions are- hence the exchange above. So now I’m curious. How many emotions are there? I can think of: Happy. Sad. Angry Scared Anyone got any more?
  2. well I always think of energy as something that can do work. you know it can power my car or it can burst from the sun to make plants grow. Matter I think of as more solid. it may be as big as planet or as small as a pin. It's all pretty up in the air at the moment as each new smaller division of the classic "atom" is found. It's just one way to get your head around it.
  3. Speakers and back-pressure ratio. RUMBLE I am making a speaker box and want to maximise the rumble as it is for a special effects type application. I have practically tried all variations of speaker size and back chamber size and shape. anyone got any good ideas how to calculate and maximise this effect.
  4. Will I fry this integrated circuit. Just made up a custom circuit and the integrated circuit (some sort of amplifier) is running at 40 deg Cel. can they run that hot? I can cool it with a fan, but do I need to?
  5. Sleep. A few months back I read everything I could get hold of about sleep. I was interested in this different state of consciousness, comparing it to awake and other states of consciousness. as you are aware there are several depths or layers of sleep, characterised by different wave forms. children do not have the same forms as adults and the lengths of the cycles alter as we age. I found myself speculating on the unusual concept that sleep is actually "proto awareness" and what our evolutionary ancestors considered to be a state of awake. we may require this to complete some forms of thought not directly connected to reason.
  6. ah my friend you are not alone. we all suffer from temporary burnout. Variety is the spice of life. have a break, do something different for a while. Exercise, the body and mind are the same thing although we separate them for discussion. get that blood pumping through your veins. Go see a play or a film for some inspiration. read about a great achiever in your field of interest. deny yourself a common luxury for a day. get an early night one and a while. socialise .
  7. Helbender, Religion served humanity perfectly well for the bulk of it’s history. It helped the primitives feel as though they had at least some say in the climatic events that frequently upturned their world. You have to have respect for it at least in that capacity. And when the Roman empire was in a state of decay, was it not the Church that protected and advanced the gifts of civilisation. If you have a Scientific mind it is relatively easy to see how: the process of selected elimination over time will produce biodiversity. If you do not have a scientific mind, then Evolution sounds like a hell of a hokey story. Something like, one frog multiplied by one billion years equals a person. One frog multiplied by a billion years equals a very old frog.
  8. I'll state my colours. I'm neither a creationist or a evolutionist, but have great interest in all mythology and love the effectiveness of the scientific method. I just enjoy both stories. The thing about evolution is that it seems very cruel. I would much rather live peacefully in a world populated by god fearing men.
  9. Uh ok. Well basically first you stick some energy in and later you get some energy out. If you get all the energy out that you put in, then you have 100% efficiency. If you get only half of it out then you have 50% efficiency. Usually you loose some energy along the way due to friction. heat is the way that friction chews up some of the energy you put in. Sometimes the energy you put in is not so obvious. gravity for example. Newton did quite a few experiments and came up with several laws. You will most likely be copying his first experiments. He was an amazing but totally strange fellow. see if you can get a book about him. that will help you get a feel for the excitement of the time and his strange world of discovery. what kind of contraption are you thinking of building?
  10. Good point, questionable though. It's not only children who cant take a hint. But yes, I see what you mean about the point of education thing. I agree with that, schools remove children from the community for most of the day, If parents aren’t wise and even tempered in their discipline… sure kids are going to think the old folks have nothing of worth to offer.
  11. oh thats sad. I'm sorry that you have to have those feelings. With time things seem less grim. that's one thing at least, you can be sure time will make it a little better. endorphins also. remember thre forest gump running part. I thinks thats why.
  12. low self esteem. struggle for power with others. self arrogance.
  13. oh man, you don’t know the half of it. I stumbled upon a rare doctors book one day showing very detailed photographs of each and every stage of embryo development. it also had all the incorrectly sequenced embryos. and what exactly went wrong and at what stage. the thing I realised is how much you can do with just a few simple rules...grow left. stop ...bud... grow right.... untill... now stop ... divide and so on. and also what happens if you get a small error in the process.
  14. That made me laugh. it’s just to counterbalance the "science has all the answers" brain set of most people. of course science isn't just making things up...it's everyone agreeing on what they will just make up. sheesh! sorry, back to the stored repressed gene traits theme. PS on that subject, did you ever see the developing stages of a human foetus. yup, those little suckers have tails all right.
  15. Well we live in a strange world, animal muscle comes all nicely packed in plastic at the supermarket, so we never think of the fully assembled creature. We are quite removed from the killing that is done on our behalf. As for hunters, I would like to see it a bit more even, send the heroes out with just a knife - to face a stag one on one. that would be ok I think. people that collect things fascinate me, it's almost like there is some need to hunt and hunt with some small possibility to find a rare item. I also theorise that gambling is an offshoot of this instinct.
  16. umm... I think , when you admit a memory it gets tagged with several types of data, visual..smell...texture...emotion...meaning etc....so it's not stored in one area alone. is that what you mean?
  17. Aww, I was concentrating on the other thread and missed all the fun in this one. You did know that reason is full of holes didn’t you? it's only a model of reality so therefore as inadequate as hell. aww don’t tell me you thought it was bullet proof or something . aww man...what are they teaching at these school these days. just winding you up. but seriously, what don't you like about the worm idea? try de evolving the human form using common sense and reverse extrapolation. what do you end up with?
  18. Hey, where did that quote (below) come from? I have always thought that. or at least that the creative force was constructing a like being to have a bit of a chat with, or possibly that the creative force was cyclic in nature and it constantly disassembled then reassembled itself over the millennia. "We and the universe around us could be involved in an ongoing, staged process of self-creation, wherein and whereby the Creator of us and the universe around us is attempting to create itself."
  19. that's stretching the concept of death, I always thought how much an imploding star looked like a drop of water on a pond surface. maybe they don’t "die", maybe they just don’t exist in a reality with four dimensions. think about the drop of water analogy.
  20. oh the futility, the human race , another blind alley in the mouse maze of evolution. unless, the nature of humanity is not contained within an individual person type unit, but rather in its social and knowledge base. perhaps we are thinking about this all wrong. perhaps at some point the physical structure is no indication of the abilities of a group of such co-ordinated beings.
  21. exactly! You have found the crux of it. and the structure that occurs in .... the place where G A T (I) C A tears itself and twists like a pair of mating cobras. from your (combined) graphs- do yo think that the reason we are not immortal is because we are a species that is high risk - we are high in complexity and therefore less resilient to severe environmental change. In other words , a bad bet. We cant be allowed to dominate the biosphere because we are just too high a risk. It’s a catch 22 situation!
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