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Posts posted by ffsjoe

  1. I suppose I'm kind of addicted to this game, its not website based it is a mud.

    My player was Created: Sun Apr 29 2001, Played: 2574h


    "In computer gaming, a MUD (multi-user dungeon, dimension, or sometimes domain) is a multi-player computer game that combines elements of role-playing games, hack-and-slash style computer games, and social Internet Relay Chat channels. Typically running on a bulletin board system or Internet server, the game is text driven, where players read descriptions of rooms, objects, events, other characters, and computer-controlled creatures or non-player characters (NPCs) in a virtual world"


    If using windows go to run, type in, mud.lab.net.au 3333 then enter and this should connect you to the game.


    If you're using a UNIX shell account:

    From the command prompt, type:

    telnet 3333

  2. Energy crisis cannot be under estimated. It is as big as the Y2K problem. Only difference is that the dates may be different to different countries, the dates haven't been determined and there is less awareness about it.


    Using fossil fuels was like inheriting a million dollars. Replacing fossil fuels with alternatives is like working from scratch to earn a million dollars.


    Y2K wasn't a problem it was a load of bunk. We already are replacing fossil fuels with alternatives, like solar, wind, nuclear and bio-diesel.


    When talking about population control I REALLY don't think the word nice should even be mentioned...


    I was saying it WASN'T nice, srirambalu said that it was, sarcastically however.

  3. You mean something like the September 11 incident is nice way for population control? If someone dies of disease, the family is in despair for sometime and then they come to normal. Something like the Sept 11 incident shocks the whole world and make everyone insecure. When you are insecure, it is not worth living.


    I never said it was nice, it is a fact of life. People will never live in harmony, as long as there is diversity there will be conflict.

  4. If somebody competes with me for a resource I would rather give it to him without questioning.


    Ok, ill get you to wire me all your money into my paypal account.;) As herme3 said how are you supposed to survive if you dont compete. That is what everyliving thing does. The plants too, allelopathy? for example the camphor produced in leaves of the camphor laurel tree accumulates in the soil preventing the germination or growth of other plants. Effects that can be seen are prevention of seed germination, deformed roots, slow growth and poor reproduction. Equate that to a person poisoning other people so he may have a greater chance of living. Other people not being able to reproduce or having deformed bodies. Not very nice now is it.


    They all compete to live and be the strongest, survival of the fittest. You would not get very far in the wild if you just let everone else walk all over you.


    I'm wondering how The Buddha lived in 500BC without even a thatched hut, begging for food. For sure he was the happiest person ever.


    iirc monks and soforth rely on the kindness of others to give them food. Not everyone can adapt this lifestyle, we need people to farm the land, process food, so people can buy it and give it to people begging for it. So the monks are able to live thanks to the people that they say live for material items.


    The Buddha lived till the age of 80. That was in 500BC. I agree lot of people used to die young. That was nature's way of population control.


    Yep, that was natures way of controlling the population.



    Otherwise we run out of resources and fight with each other for oil etc which leads to war and terrorism, overpopulation, poverty, starvation etc. I would rather choose to die young rather than suffer in poverty and starvation or die in a war or terrorist bomb blast


    War, poverty, starvation, terrorism, and illness, they all control the population.



    With all the modern inventions, unfit monied people manage to live while healthy poor people starve and die. Technology has only selected the rich as fit. Overall it doesn't make a big difference. Those people who starve and die in Somalia are more fit than you and I.


    Well in actual fact that is evolution and chance, Luckily I was not born poor and starving in Somalia, I live in a first world country thus greatly increasing my chance of survial. You said technology has only selected the rich as fit. Yes, therefor the rich will survive and the poor will die. Survival of the fittest right there. The rich are fitter because they have more money where as the poor don't so they are weak, it doesn't matter physically, in this circumstance but ofcourse health plays a part but it all comes back to money and being able to afford it.


    It's a bit hard for me to get into words what I am thinking because its late and im tired. But hopefully you guys understand where I am comming from.

  5. I'm the kind who doesn't compete with immature fellow humans for resources,


    Your not using a computer then are you? Or electricity?


    who believes in living life, whose only purpose on earth is to watch flowers bloom, bees buzz, butterflies flutter in the air, birds sing, breeze flow, waves unfold, sun and moon rise and set, seasons change and watch all other miracles in nature without destroying it.


    Ok, lets go and look at the flowers and free load of other people.


    We need to depend on plants for those and in these days when we change all cultivable land to housing colonies, we have to stop doing that and rather find more cultivable land and invest in them, plan properly and invest in infrastructure for mass production of ethanol and bio-diesel after assessing the needs. All that takes time and we have to plan ahead. Rather than waiting for the extinction of fossil fuels, we have to phase them out gracefully.


    Let's be practical and forget about exploiting resources from other planets. It takes so much time, money and effort to just get to the space and return. We went to the moon only once and could not get anything other than a few stones as mementos. We couldn't even get gold.


    I thought you were out looking at the flowers.


    Humans change the environment to suit them. They don't adapt to the environment. Its a mighty snowball to stop, it has been rolling for a long time.

  6. Thats a pretty bleak view of the world, relax man, the world isn't going to end too soon. Although I agree on global warming, if things do go pear shaped just think about it in the bigger scheme of things, not religous wise but at the universe. Were just one planet doesn't really have much bearing on the universe the world will recycle itself if we do **** up. So if you think outside your own life its just pretty funky that you got to be a part of everything.


    EDIT: btw whats wrong with your leader dudes forehead?

  7. Tried to format this as best as possible,


    a machine given an input of x, outputs the following, where x is 116


    What is the relationship between the given input and output per number of positions?



    Elements Positions

    E Pos1 Pos2 Pos3 Pos4 Pos5 Pos6 Pos7 Pos8


    x = 69 216

    x, x= 69 172 16

    x,x,x= 69 172 100 122

    x,x,x,x= 69 172 100 14 74

    x,x,x,x,x= 69 172 100 14 62 26

    x,x,x,x,x,x= 69 172 100 14 62 110 40

    x,x,x,x,x,x,x= 69 172 100 14 62 110 92 58

  8. I've had a 6 GB mini ipod for just under a year now and I havn't experienced any problems with it although my friends have had problems with them but they didn't treat them that well.


    I had a creative mp3 player and it was really crap and broke easily. But that was way before they came in GB so things might have changed.

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