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  1. Thanks for all the input ACG52 And yes edearl I do not understand any of this that the reason for all the questions I have been watching shows and in the shows they make it sound like its just that simple And I kept thinking to myself it can't be that simple lol so that's why all the questions Also if I have posted this in the wrong place I'm sorry to the op Anyway thanks for all the input
  2. Yep that is correct thanks for the clarification I have a few questions Can sound or rather a wave bend light? If so then is it possible that they might be wrong about dark matter and dark energy I'm asking this question because its well-known that the theory behind matter is simply because when we observe the light coming from distant galaxies that their appears to be something that we can not see bending that light Because of this we make the assumption that something we can not see must be responsible for this action also we see the galaxies moving away from one another at an accelerated rate In a nutshell this is the theory behind dark energy So is it possible that its just a wave that is responsible for the bending of the light? If that question turns out to be correct then is it also possible a wave could responsible for pushing all the galaxies apart Is it possible for a wave to keep accelerateing matter? Or would it simply excelerate matter to a constant speed But that still opens the door for the question... If it would accelerate matter but only to a specific speed Then would that happen instantaneously or what it take time to get up to said speed also another question if string theory turns out to be correct Then does that mean that all matter is actually just really dense balls of energy compressed into what looks like solid matter? and if everything is just simply a compressed balls of energy Then would that not mean that black holes are just basically cosmic recyclers? I ask this question based on the fact that we have images of massive jets of energy shooting out the center of some galaxys caused by what is know as supper blackholes so if string theory does turn out to be correct and all matter does turn out to be just extremely dense compressed forms of energy then would that not be a sensible thought process Again I'm not saying that my understanding of any of this is correct I'm just trying to make sense of it and ask a few questions
  3. That was an interesting and informative video Thanks again
  4. Ok that's something I didn't consider referring to the fact that gravity gets weaker over distance And cool I'll check that out thanks for the input
  5. Ok but I watched a show that said that gravity is the weekest force in nature so if this is true then how is it possible that it is responsible for the expansion of the universe or is my understanding of the expansion of the universe is incorrect I mean don't get me wrong I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just trying to rap my mind around this and some of it just doesn't really make sense to me lol the universe is a very very strange place
  6. I agree but I do have a question that I can't understand about DM and DEIf it makes up the majority of the universe then why is it not expanding our Solar System or even the space between me and the keyboard that I'm typing on right now or is it and I'm just not aware of it ?
  7. Ok I'm no expert on matters like this either but I do design oil rigs in CAD and I think I might be able to shed some light on this for you but I might be wrong (hopefully I'm not telling you something that is wrong) I think your missing a few things to your understandings Ok so as far as I understand it It works something like this One dimensional space is simply a point in space Two dimensional space is a line that goes left, right, (referred to as X) and up, down (referred to as Y) Each are know as an axis but the two dimensional space that you are talking about can only be seen on a surface like a piece of paper Three dimensional space has left, right, up, and down just like the 2d world but it also has a Z axis This image might help http://www.google.com/search?q=XY+and+Z+axis&hl=en&gl=us&source=android-browser-goto&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=uFCjUZGDG4uE9QT3yYC4BQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=369&bih=615&sei=9VCjUdTbIYa-9QSiqoHACA#biv=i%7C6%3Bd%7CcqDasEqZDzXsvM%3A As far as your question is it possible that it simply exists only in two dimensional space I'm making the assumption that you are asking this trying to understand why we can't see it meaning does it only have length and width but no depth and I would have to think that's not possible because wouldn't the flow of time have the same affect on all matter including dark matter II honestly don't think there's an answer to that question at this time but it is interesting theory however if my understanding of your question is incorrect and you're referring to the fact that it exists on another plane of existence referring to the multiverse theory then that has to do with strings and I'm not really sure that I understand how that all works *edit* I referred to it in the two-dimensional sense as up and down but what I really meant to say was forward and backward up and down would in-fact be the Z-axis I apologize for any confusion this may have caused Also I apologize befuddled I must have been typing out my response when you posted your former post referring to your post just above this one after reading it I see that you have a grasp on understanding dimensional space I apologize
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