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Posts posted by robomont

  1. i thought i saw something last week about scientist finding other universes?

    my most recent theory is we are surrounded by a shell of metallic hydrogen.at the edge of the universe.my own opinion is we are regulated by three physical laws.time .xrays and gravity.sorta.and all of nature wishes us to be whole atoms.so a cloud of hydrogen is ionized by xrays and gamma from a blackhole .this clumps into stars that create matter which then collapse.and wait to be recycled.because time and space are so large .the cycle is very slow.because there is always a difference in charge no matter where.there will always be motion.all of this is in a sea of hydrogen that at the outer edges has no energy so it is metallic.

  2. my guess it already been built but not being released to the public fo national security reasons.a few years back it was hinted at that e,g and g was building it and then it ended.the sister companies were all told to find other contracts.so i researched them and found they almost all were involved with high voltage.this all happened about the sametime that the gov was banning mercury from products.


    this tech is like jet planes.only going to be released in the event of a major war.my guess they are stockpiled in a mountain or on the dark side of the moon.the ultimate weapon.not to be released unless absolutely necessary.


    that is my hypothesis.

  3. yes iris.yes i thought if you have a earthquake map then it should have all not cherry picked.

    IQ could use some work i agree.cant fix stupid though.

    tried to change spelling but didnt have a clue.

    always paranoid.its kept me alive for 45 years.

    plus big imagination and world full of conspiracy theories.bob and weave if only for the exorcise

  4. i look at it like a seesaw.theory.

    lotsa weight on one side then a little wwight wont make a difference.ie flooding.

    almost no wwight on the far side and then a flood on this side.major changes.these drought conditions we had and the wild swing to high ground saturation and flooding in my opinion means high potential for guakes and uplift at the polar region.maybe even stimulating iceland volcano.


    the reason for the narrow date on a quake in dc is the miss had gone back down about a month before the last big dc quake last year? remember because of the drought the ol miss was low last year.filled up then started dropping again.i think with the polar cap dissapearing is the reason quakes are more often.the cap is like a shock absorber on the other end of the seesaw.

  5. wouldnt the ice melting at the poles lft the poles and cause the other side of the plate to sink?

    wouldnt the stress of the missippi filling to flood stage put stress on the plate causing quakes in washington dc and missouri?

    could these things add to plate tectonic stresses?

    my theory is that about thirty days after the ol miss recedes to normal level there will be a quake in the areas i first mentioned.

  6. is isis not posting some earthquakes that happen in the united states.my local news program talks of quakes but even after a day.i dont see them posted.

    whats up with that?


    is usgs not giving us the full truth?

    what are they trying to hide?

    is there a very high chance of a major earthquake from washington dc to missouri?

  7. i always thought it was because of differences in polarity of molecules and there groupings into wide clusters in combination with the polarity of the ground surface.like a sandwich of negative positive negative.when the clouds charge to mass ratio gets high enough it creates a bubble streamer that gets the whole thing going.then the flushing toilet rule steps in .dont know real name.and takes over.two vortices in one .the inside ones charge takes dominance for magnetic field so the outer vortice is perpendicular to the inner.just a theory.

  8. then there should be a pillar of the whole em spectrum.in a slope.as pressure gets higher rather than a sharp spike.that is what the visual references of blackholes ive seen shows.like an upside down funnel.

    by my theory there is a maximum size a blackhole can get and all else is expelled as energy.this energy in turn ionizes hydrogen and the hydrogen clumps until a new star is created.millions of years later.


    shouldnt there be a donut of high energy plasma around the bh?like a rainbow with all the color spectrum as the energy levels get higher towards the center?

  9. couldnt you use something like a vandegraph generator.turned on its side.positive ions coming off of the positive pole would be pulling it forward and negative ions would be pushing.using voltages high enough to ionize the first and second levels of the air atoms.and in space wouldnt you just ionize hydrogen of high enough current and voltage .or would you also need a solenoid inside the craft to create a magnetic field to drive the ions past the craft?


    wouldnt all dust particles be destroyed because of the high mass of the craft due to kenetic energy.kinda like a small car cutting a big car in half due to the small car moving fast and the big car setting still?


    wouldnt an engine that i talk of have a ball at top and a ball on bottom oriented towards source of high gravity?

    wouldnt this engine have a spiral coil solenoid that was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom?

    wouldnt this engine look alot like the cadueceus medical symbol that is over four thousand years old?

    so is nasa really building anything new?

  10. so why arent they sucked in along with everything else.their escape velocity is high enough?but yet all other light isnt?the whole" cloud" is under pressure but only the event horizon expels them? sounds kinda fishy to me.plus all em should be affected equally ?why would xrays escape at the event horizon but visible light doesnt?

  11. my appoligies for hijacking.i thought my info was correct.

    how many books has hawkings published that ended up being correct?

    i wasted my money on a brief history in time!

    so by yalls theory .as long as im not sitting on the event horizon i want get sucked in?

    tell that to the planets in the death spiral leading towards the event horizon.

    i thought light couldnt leave a blackhole so how would infrared?

    i thought high energy xrays and gamma rays were leaving the center of blackholes?per msm news?

    what could create this except high friction?what voltage is xrays created at?

    thats how i got to my conclusions.thankyou.

  12. it doesnt matter what region the xrays are coming from.its still coming away from the most powerful gravity in the galaxy.

    power is measured in watts and watts is volts x amps.what voltage is xrays created at? 15000vdc +.


    hawking radiation?roflmao.hawking is a scam artist.




    to propel forward you voltage in the range of 4billion because that is the higgs particle.the smaller the particle, the greater the traction.thats why deep space travel requires a big ship with a big engine.because 4billion volts tends to arc.lol.so all parts have to be separated by big distances.in the tens of feet in diameter.maybe sixty feet+?

    the setup would be positive poll on front tip of craft and flame jet style engine on back.only it wouldnt be flames.more like hydrogen.?

    the power requirement would be a nuke engine of sorts.

  13. think of xrays.they are expelled from a black hole.why would something with mass be expelled from the ultimate gravity?because gravity is nulled above about 35000 volts.charge a craft at this voltage or above and you are no longer relative to the things outside the craft.the bubble is around your craft.so then you can go any speed you want up to the speed of light.thats why you dont want to walk up and touch a flying saucer.the radiation is horrible.now if the shell of the craft is aluminum then because of half life in a few minutes it should be safe.

  14. im a member of a research forum and we are looking for somebody who is experienced with ionization math and magnetic field math.im not trying to steal members from this forum.we just occasionally need a math guy.we would bring our questions here but the designs we work on are potential money makers so we dont wont to give away our ideas.if interested in partnering up with us please post on this thread .we could use your help and there is always the potential for money.

  15. as a self taught.i recommend you start with the three old tesla books that are out.then find a used copy of homemade lightning.study electronics and understand all you can about electronics.as im not recognized as a professional in this field.my biggest pleasure is in getting pros into heated debates while i set back and laugh.ive got respect for them but they can be narrowly focused at times.some things to know.there is no such thing as an absolute vacuum and at 50%ionization electricity has zero resistence.good luck.

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