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Posts posted by krash661

  1. great video..


    it appears electricity is a big part of everything,

    but then i'm lead to electric universe idea when ever i think about this thought.

  2. interesting.

    the best understanding i have had personally is from open mind as possible, even if it is loony tunes,voodoo magic or such


    everything is relative..

  3. i was not able to see the link, it says i do not have permission, so maybe.


    but for me it's obvious so i do not know what to tell you.


    or maybe add the meaning of manipulation(in a sense) to the conversation.


    the manipulation would be the influence aspect of this question i maybe not be understanding.


    which will lead to a development of a cutler over a period of time.


    it's what it leads to.

  4. cul·ture

    cul·ture [kúlchər]
    n (plural cul·tures)
    1. arts collectively: art, music, literature, and related intellectual activities, considered collectively
    Culture is necessary for a healthy society.
    popular culture

    2. knowledge and sophistication: enlightenment and sophistication acquired through education and exposure to the arts
    They are people of culture.

    3. shared beliefs and values of group: the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people
    Southeast Asian culture

    4. people with shared beliefs and practices: a group of people whose shared beliefs and practices identify the particular place, class, or time to which they belong
    5. shared attitudes: a particular set of attitudes that characterizes a group of people
    The company tries hard to avoid a blame culture.

    6. growing of biological material: the growing of biological material, especially plants, microorganisms, or animal tissue, in a nutrient substance culture medium in specially controlled conditions for scientific, medical, or commercial purposes
    7. biotechnology biological material grown in special conditions: biological material, especially plants, microorganisms, or animal tissue, grown in a nutrient substance culture medium in specially controlled conditions for scientific, medical, or commercial purposes
    8. tillage: the cultivation of the land or soil in preparation for growing crops or plants
    9. improvement: the development of a skill or expertise through training or education
    physical culture

    vt (past and past participle cul·tured, present participle cul·tur·ing, 3rd person present singular cul·tures)
    1. grow biological material in special conditions: to grow biological material, especially plants, microorganisms, or animal tissue, in a nutrient substance culture medium in specially controlled conditions, for scientific, medical, or commercial purposes
    2. agriculture cultivate plants: to cultivate plants or crops
    3. nurture somebody or something: to nurture somebody or something, especially in order to advance your own interests
    She spent a great deal of time culturing new contacts on Capitol Hill.

    [13th century. Via French < Latin cultura "tillage" < cult- , past participle of colere "inhabit, cultivate"]


    bought [bawt]
    Past participle, past tense of buy

    not homemade: commercially made rather than homemade


    buy [bī]
    v (past and past participle bought [bawt], present participle buy·ing, 3rd person present singular buys)
    1. vti acquire something by payment: to pay money for something in order to obtain it
    They bought me a bike for my birthday.
    People just aren't buying at the moment.

    2. vt obtain something from somebody by bribery: to obtain information, help, or loyalty from somebody in exchange for money
    3. vt obtain time: to obtain more time to reach a desired end by taking strategic action
    a maneuver that should buy us another week

    4. vt obtain something by sacrifice: to obtain something by sacrificing something else of equivalent value
    buy peace with land

    5. vi be buyer for company or person: to purchase goods on behalf of a company or another person
    She buys for a large New York store.

    6. vt believe something: to accept or believe something proposed as true (informal)
    I don't buy the part about an international conspiracy.

    n (plural buys)
    1. something bought: something that you pay money for, considered relative to its worth
    a good buy

    2. exchange of money for goods: an exchange of money for goods or services

    [ Old English bycgan < Germanic]

    -buy·a·ble, , adj

    See bi-.
  5. yeah, it's becoming more and more of a hoax the more i find on it.


    IMo, there were reasons why there was no attention to it publicly in the last 10 years.


    anyways, this is an extraterrestrial life topic in general,


    so if anybody else has things to post or converse about,


    post it.

  6. here's something i came across a time ago,



    physics- physical quantity: the property of an object that is a measure of its inertia, the amount of matter it contains, and its influence in a gravitational field.



    amount: an amount or number of something

    physics- particular magnitude of something: the product of a measurable phenomenon such as electric current or radiation intensity and the time during which the phenomenon is measured



    greatness of size: greatness of size, volume, or extent

    mathematics- number assigned to mathematical quantity: a numerical value that describes the amount of something, usually expressed in terms of a multiple of standard units, or the item measured in this way



    expanding of something: the act or process of widening or being widened, enlarging or being enlarged, or stretching or being stretched

    expanded condition: a condition in which something is widened, enlarged, or stretched

    expanded thing: something, especially a part of something else, that has become widened, enlarged, or stretched

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