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Everything posted by redsaint63

  1. are world is made of the 1-4 dimensions compressinoing and making are world as we know it the dimensional collapse theory...............what made the collapse is still a mystery that i will find!!!!!!!!!!!! life onlty exist in the 1-4 dimensions the other nine are the force which caused the big bang which forced all matter in are dimension because we are a matter universenot an antimatter universe whichis the next dimension>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  2. physics is like religion you believe what believe and the road you take will determine the destination you seek!!!!!
  3. its mad cow disease!!!!!the necrosis of the liver and the severe mental state of the patient fit this possible diagnosis..
  4. inow!!! what don't you understand and maybe i can help you a little with my theory. i will watch that pbs show thanx guy!!!!!
  5. if you notice the pattern that emerges after the experiment is 3 spots that emerge after going through 2 slits what if instead of it was going through the 3 other sections of the slit because there is a field making them go through the other 3 sections and impedeing them from going through the slits( maybe they warp with the slits)...
  6. light has mass!!! so time is needed for the particles to form so the answer to your question is light does experience time the smallest measureable amount of time billionths of nanoseconds. this is all theory kids!!!!!
  7. If they ever find a rock with a tubuler moleculer structure that would be the hardest substance unlike diamonds hexagonal framework.
  8. if you think the big bang was the start you are so wrong... something made contact with the finite point to cause the sudden release of life sustaining particles. if you think of it as if you were just born and nobody told you anything about reproduction you just base your theories about where and what you came from(mom) and never meet dad so you think life comes from mom. when it takes two to make life here on earth. why couldn't that be viable in the universe???????????????????????????
  9. einstein theorized time and space over lap what about dimensions .What if the dimensions where already there as the dimensions over lap and as the super gravity produced became to great for the 5th dimension it collapses on the 4th in a pancake fasion an instead of a single point of entry i.e. big bang what if the whole 4th dimension erupted creating the hyper inflated 4th dimension our matter filled universe today. Maybe thats why the thoery of parallel universes is so right on the money.supersymmetric dimensions? but what are dimensions made of? maybe its just gravity at its quantum state condensed to a viable substance?
  10. we could pass trough walls if we didn't have gravity which i think is the ambigous power that teethers us to higher and lower dimensions(highly unproven)but gravity in other dimensions is king and dictates the balace of life as we no it.if not for gravity are atoms wouldn't stay together thus passing through a wall would happen but you would also pass trough they other theorized dimensions.
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