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Everything posted by Artorius

  1. Nope its the water softner.Dont know what country your in but in uk,areas of hard water a device is fitted cannot member its name,its filled with crystals and after a while sometimes these little white flecs come out.If you fill a glass up you will see them swirl about and settle on the bottom like sand.They are perfectly harmless and a normal occurance so dont worry. Or it could be the government using its mind controlling formula to keep the population in check....or so i heard from the NWO council.
  2. Excellent post mokele,I prefer this person to the one previous.I followed each point with relish,i disagree with some but i think it prudent to only congratulate you on a well presented post. Arty
  3. Its not restricted to volcanic deposits say around the actual volcano, in confirmation of post 78 iridium is still being released and settling onto the earths surface today.
  4. I think you should realise by now aunt winifred was really FRED the transvestite.And i agree with the slimy Frenchfrogs i mean Frenchmans descent
  5. havent the military just found stockpiles of arms/torture rooms in almost all the mosques in fallujah,were the terrorists are based.
  6. It seems to me there is only one stubborn person here.Why are you appealing to an audience as some star witness,is it to seek validation.You accuse me of not listening but you dismiss anyone who doesnt agree with your analogy of vestigial organs.To be fair to you take away the slanderous character assasinations you seem to enjoy and we are left with a few actual on topic points.You have named some appendages and claim they are useless vestiges or co-opted spare parts.In return ive gave you if you will listen there actual function,The function THEY continue to carry out. Tonsillectomy is the most frequently performed piece of surgery. Doctors once thought tonsils were simply useless evolutionary leftovers and took them out thinking that it could do no harm. Today there is considerable evidence that there are more viral infections in the upper respiratory tract after tonsil removal than before, and doctors generally agree that simple enlargement of tonsils is hardly an indication for surgery. So tell me mokele if they have a use how can they be vestigial.
  7. But iridium is also present below the earths mantle.So volcanic activity on a large scale could also account for this concentration.So a meteorite hit together with volcanic activity would be quite a harsh environment to be living in
  8. The global warming scenario arising from a cataclysmic event which has happened in the earths past,would melt icecaps to an agreed min of 60m(modern calculations could be 100m),thus submerging a huge amount of landmass.Although its sketchy,there are strata were a hodge-podge of dino's are jumbled together as if deposited from flooding.
  9. No because we cannot both debate for evolution,if he wants to use a 1970's approach to argue about vestigial organs,which scientific advancement realise serve their intended purpose and are far from the redundant appendages he claims.Whats the point,he already shows his self importance.Im certainly not going to represent the creationist side,though it would i admit be entertaining.'besides i dislike his attitude'.How can one appreciate another when after i post a sincere apology to every SFN user for my aggresive posts and try to conduct myself in a more pleasent manner(which inc a pm to mokele) he immediately starts flaming me,swearing and calling me an idiot. In fact he's a good candidate for a lobotomy...or electric shock treatment...see his knocked me back 3 weeks on my rehabilitation.
  10. Each of your posts are laughable.You contradict yourself with each post.You do infer in your posts "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny".Your so up yourself that you continue to insist on vestigial organs when they are none.You call me an idiot when you refer to the pigs toes as 'useless vestiges' when they have a very important function for the pig.Try walking in a deep sloppy muddy field barefoot you may understand.In fact i will leave it to other posters!!! Horses run fast and are large bodied so stop please making a case for devolution instead of evolution.Your a creationists dream nutter
  11. well said ,mokele thinks he can dismiss endothermic probabilty siting modern animals biology,when someone uses it to establish that after all it could be possible siting same.He states its fact that dinosaurs(large) could not have been endothermic!! When from my standpoint all im trying to convey is we dont truelly know !so it is possible and we cannot rule out the possibility of such a creature in the loch. Im not saying that there is a Nessie by the way.
  12. yes double checked they are marine incursions due to global climatic changes as i corrected myself in post 57
  13. Owing to the fact that its accepted that most dino's could move quite rapidly,they must have had a quite high metabolic rate.Given studies on modern animals,metabolic rate is proportional to rate of locomotion.And given the fact dino's like modern endotherms have erect postures,limbs under body not splayed out to sides is indicitive of endothermy.Given some dino's whos erect psture had a long vertical distance between head and heart which would require a high blood pressure.Given that some dino's had to compete with mammals for about 170million years you could equally infer that some of them were indeed warm blooded.Unless diplodocus was served with cheese from the local baked diplotato stand
  14. you really are stupid,you would get along fine without your penis and scrotum,are they vestigial,take a kidney you dont need two,or an arm a few legs,you talk and offer nothing based on fact.As an embryo you could give the appearance of resembling a king prawn doesnt mean we once were
  15. if you insist on this silly line of vistigial organs,which is well outdated and only suggested to strengthen the theories of evolution as it was getting a foothold.You leave us all open to the creationist nutters here who jump all over it.You propose devolution not evolution.Natural selection would not give pigs two toes that dont touch the ground for no reason,nor make a rabbits digestive system so poorly that it eats its own faeces.We too have a cecum you may have ancestors that ate their own shit,i didnt.but old habits die hard and i see you still talk it
  16. Embryo development answers nothing,other than when were forming we resemble a chicken embryo.Unfortunately parts develop at different rates and what might appear to resemble a tail later everything starts to fit into its place and hey no tail. You asked me were the appendix comes from yet you cannot answer it yourself.Everyone knows were it is but you asked were it comes from.I already explained it functions today like it always did so how is is vestigial. Removing an organ does not qualify as vestigial.you can take many parts from the body without serious ill effects.There are no fossil records that show an hominid with a tail.And no evidence to provide the slightest indication of a phylogeny of the coccyx from a tail
  17. I POSTED A POLITE APOLOGY EARLIER TO EVERYONE THAT USES THIS FORUM FOR MY SOMETIMES AGGRESIVE POSTS,and you return the compliment with insult and swearing.You obviouslty live in the world of were mokele knows best.pray tell me were does the appendix come from and also the coccyx,with empirical evidence? If your correct i will apologise humbly.I must have missed this empirical evidence in my research.yes i remember now didnt they find a hominid fossil with a tail,i think it was your father
  18. Yes about as rare as unknown creature reports from around the globe!!! Just remember pre-1930's if anyone had published crap like they had caught a coelacanth but let it go.Well i dont have to elaborate on that fiasco. They are many supposedly extinct or new animals turning up each yearby the way
  19. definition of vestigial organ(from the evolution of life) defines a vestigial organ as one ‘which has lost its function in the course of evolution, and is usually much reduced in size’. (dorlands dictionary) ‘a vestige, trace or relic’, and defines the term as ‘the remnant of a structure which functioned in a previous stage of a species (churchills dictionary) defines vestigial as an organ that has ‘no obvious function’, and notes that the word vestigial derives from the Latin vestigium, ‘meaning footprint, imprint, track, trace’. in fact i have gave up searching for a description which says a previous useless organ thats now co-opted for something else!!!. The appendix is part of the immune system, strategically located at the entrance of the almost sterile ileum from the colon with its normally high bacterial content.Helps establish and maintain bowel-blood barrier. Where is your evidence that it was any bigger in the hominid species? what about that protubrence we call a nose is that a vestigial remnant of a snout,
  20. wow nice thread i have had many lucid dreams,unfortunately not any recently.I really make the most of them when i have them.I to have had flying dreams and although i try to go higher i get really nervous and come back down(maybe due to my being afraid of heights).The really big thrill though is knowing im dreaming i really shag just about every female i see.The difficulty is keeping my eyes open,you know its a bummer if you dont because the damn dream places you somewhere bloody else.
  21. Rightly or wrongly my experience and judgement of facts comes from a lifetime of reading literature,I do not always refer to sites on the web which is 99% crap,rather my library in my spareroom which is only around 3% crap lol.
  22. Perhaps it would be better if i reword my egregious sentence.I meant to convey there is geological evidence for localised flooding on a worldwide scale around the KT boundary,they are many ancient stories that pertain to global flooding such as the mahabharata,book of the dead,old testament,Gilgamesh,among hundreds of others.But unless geologists wish to research every flood myth im afraid i would be foolish to commit. I have read books on the subject and the sphinx,which your post refers.My own believe is it was carved as Mr Hancock suggests around 10,500 bc and depicts a lion.Only around the time of Khafre it was recarved(head),whilst i do not think aliens from the planet Zog carved them,i do think that our data about civilisation is incorrect.
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