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Everything posted by jamesthegeek

  1. Some great suggestions so far. Hey Ewmon, you want me to put in your QAAB? I can give you credit in the app, either by your screen name or personal name if you want. Keep those suggestions coming. THANKS AGAIN.
  2. Thanks for the response Ewmon. I've already used most of the wikipedia units of measure. I've done a lot of research on my own and was wondering if people have really obscure units, either real or fictional for me to check out.
  3. Hey science community. I need some help with a new app i just released called Geek Units. It's mainly a satirical app that takes normal currencies, lengths, times, etc. and converts them to fictional units like Galactic Credits, Zelda Rupees, Cubits, Trogan meters, etc. I've used a ton of regular units, but could use some really obscure units from science fiction, video games or any other little known, but interesting units. For example i use the little known unit the Smoot which was created with an MIT fraternity took to measuring the length of the bridge using a frat brother as the measuring stick. Anybody have any help for me?
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