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Everything posted by chandragupta

  1. Yes. Nondualism or adwaita is the thing. Very nice to meet you. Quantum world & the world of nondualism can meet. The meeting ground could be (& here I emphasize 'could be':- I am not saying 'would be' ) the quantum idea of singularity.
  2. I agree. Constant & perpetual self awareness of this dimensionless state is available to those who seek.
  3. When one is coming out of one's deep sleep state into fully awakened state there is this extremely short moment when one is only pure awareness without any kind of thought such as thought of one's material body or the of thought of space time universe. At this momentary moment each human being becomes pure dimensionless awareness.
  4. The word 'point' is an abstract idea which is not the point which one makes on a piece of paper to convey the mathematical fraction of a whole number I.e. 1.5 etc. It denotes the abstract concept that an entity has existence but has no dimension. Since this entity has no dimension, (but does have existence) it is conceived in an abstract manner that it can exist without the need for the cosmic space (which of course is impossible in the world we live in).
  5. Peter j. You raised a very important issue:- I am now quoting you so as to enhance the dialogue further. You said " But the 'point' would not be consciousness. Consciousness, by most definitions, requires a subject & an object & cannot be a 'point'. Also, consciousness requires time for its operations".------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My answer is as follows :- When one is coming out of general anesthesia into fully awakened state, there is a very short moment when one is only self aware I.e. a pure subject only, without being aware of one's physical body or that of the world I.e. without being aware of any object. In other words, at that momentary moment one is a pure subject only I.e. a dimensionless conscious point & hence the concept that I propounded re. god i.e. dimensionless point of consciousness before god formed cosmic space time plus material universe.
  6. <br style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(175, 192, 227, 0.230469); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469); "><br style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(175, 192, 227, 0.230469); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469); ">. Don't worry about any flack, Chandragupta. Some people cannot see past the naive religion of their upbringing and will assume that this is what you are proposing. I have found it impossible to explore the relationship between religion and physics here. No sensible discussion seems possible in the face of so much wilful misunderstanding and bad feeling. When one is coming out of general anesthesia into fully awakened state, there is a very short moment when one is only self aware I.e. subject only, without being aware of one's physical body or that of the world I.e. without being aware of any object. In other words, at that very momentary moment one is a pure subject only I.e. a dimensionless point & that too a dimensionless point of consciousness.
  7. I entirely agree with the moderator. I wish I could be allowed to put the ideas I have re. god in rational way without being insulted & called names. If you don't agree with me on this point then please say so & I shall say good bye to all of you & as a matter of decency I then Would also say ' It was nice meeting all of you through this ciber space'.
  8. If one is satisfied with empirical answers, this is o.k. for that individual. Humanity is vast & very diverse. And so for many amongst them empirical answers do not suffice. If one is satisfied with empirical answers, this is o.k. for that individual. Humanity is vast & very diverse. And so for many amongst them empirical answers do not suffice.
  9. At least there is some meeting ground I.e. 'There is no absolute answer'.
  10. Standard model has infinities. This is a great issue for great thinkers of quantum physics. That is why I said:- Absolute answer is uncertain. Don't make dialogue personal.
  11. Your language reflects very badly on you, don't you realize? To you also, have some decency & restraint on your language.
  12. Absolute evidence is uncertain for both I.e. both for science as well as theists. Therefore who amongst these two will have the last laugh in years to come is still unknown.
  13. This dragging down of humanity to the level of matter only is creating desperation & feeling of void or emptiness in many of us that 'I, a thinking , feeling ,loving, empathising human being, am no better than a piece of stone, because science tells me so, because science has evidence for this, without followers & doers of science realizing that " evidences are many but absolute evidence is uncertain even for them.
  14. This is a message for all " matter worshipers" or should I call them "mammon worshipers" or better still "stone worshipers"( because stone is a solid example of matter & thus will be best candidate to develop an 'I' like you or a 'consciousness' like you one day as per your views & evidence) that your extreme material fundamentalism is more dangerous than religious fundamentalism because your views have dragged down humanity to the level of matter only. This is shameful even if it is disguised as Scientific fact.
  15. One could only feel pity for such low level of discource. How many times I have to tell you all that this 'I' or this 'Consciousness' in each & every of you is not the individual property of an individual human being. It is the inheritance of the whole humanity. It will exist till the last human being exists. It does not die with the death of an individual like you or me.Develop some ability of contemplation instead of throwing abuse. One could only feel pity for such low level of discourse.
  16. This material fundamentalism would take you only so far & not beyond. Material fundamentalism is as dangerous as religious fundamentalism. You are falling into the same trap of closed minded ness as religious fundamentalism.Sooner you realize this safer it will be for this world & for us all.
  17. Wishful thinking. Fundamentalism of 'matter worshipers ' has made them totally rigid & impervious to the existence of this self evident thing 'I' or 'Consciousness' which permeates the material body of each & every of them. I have tried to show them the way as to how to take notice of this 'I' but they only throw insults.
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