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Greg H.

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Posts posted by Greg H.

  1. I like this proposal a lot, except for the problem that the date of independent living will likely shorten over time. I'd prefer to lock the date in.


    It may shorten some, but at some point the fetus is just too underdeveloped to be viable. A fetus with no lungs (for example) isn't going to live long even if you put it in a respirator - there's nothing for it to breathe with. I don't think medical science will advance rapidly enough to make this kind of "floating date" a serious issue, but I could be wrong.

  2. I think I could accept this, but it gives no concessions to the very large and vocal pro-life crowd, which I think makes it impractical. In order to become a legal definition, I think we have to at least prohibit late term abortions for no reason other than "I changed my mind".




    Ok, how about the fetus shall be termed a person when it can live independently of the biological mother. In other words, when the fetus is what the medical community terms viable, it becomes a person. That's roughly 24 - 28 weeks, and gels with your 26 week proposal. After that point, abortions would only be allowed in cases where the health of the mother was in jeopardy and surgical methods of removing the fetus (i.e. a cesarean, for example) would be considered too risky for the mother or fetus (as judged by a competent medical professional).

  3. Then let's focus on this, since the rest is more wheel-spinning, imo. Is it the higher brain functions of cognition that makes a human a person with rights under the law? A practical line needs to be drawn, if only to keep the lawyers from being able to find a loophole that allows a zygote to hold an adult woman hostage.


    Personally, I would say you're a person at the moment you're born, in whatever fashion. That's the moment you become a citizen, so it seems as good a definition as any (I mean if we're leaving aside biological considerations and looking for an arbitrary definition).

  4. Additionally you could see comments done by you tube viewer who write things like '' fag or ''shit looks he gay or such things.



    Please explain why this is? Please explain why this is!!! ARRGGHH! I said there is an error in my DNA I am sure of that!


    Perhaps the simpler answer is that some people are just assholes and the Internet, unfortunately, makes it easier for them to be that way without fear of reprisal for their behavior.

  5. I thought this was already known to be true, the brain is the most important if not the biggest sexual organ...





    Again, I doubt your take on genetics has any relevance in this particular case, I don't see gay as a mutation any more than blue eyes are a mutation but I have no doubt the net will be all a twitter over any such revelation if it were to indeed prove to be true... but does that make it important in of it's self? Kim Kardashian barring her ass makes the twitter world light up but it has no real impact on the world as a hole... How would such specific revelation about a "gay gene" affect the world?


    Well, you'd certainly get the Republican fanatics caught in a rock and hard place situation.


    "No abortions! Unless the fetus has the gay gene."

  6. To know which genes are mutated in homosexuals= to know how sexual orientation runs biological

    This is in my eyes in big step forwards!


    It's also a big assumption. Correlation is not necessarily causation after all.

  7. I stay at my postion that it is genetic and I still know that I have a mutation. I am speaking of a single base change called SNP!


    Few weaks ago, you could read in the newspaper, that decode gentics founded out, the children have until 50 new SNP in their DNA, which the parents haven't. So in this way homosexuality is genetic. New mutation in the DNA of the children, which the parents haven't, make a son gay!



    I am very very sure that I have indeed such a mutation, which is guilty for my homosexuality.


    I find your use of the term guilty very telling in the post above. You're looking for something you can point to and say "I identify as a homosexual but it's not my fault." This seems to, in turn, imply that homosexuality is something bad that should be shunned or fixed. Is that how you feel about it?

  8. I have manage to understand the language's basic concepts and how Microsoft Visual c# works. Now , that I have a big assignment to do with a lot of tasks with it I feel confused and dont know from where to start.


    I'll give you the same advice one of my comp-sci professors gave me - when you have a huge project to write, start small and work your way up. Think about what objects you might need and create those classes - if you forget one, it's not really a problem, because you can always go back and write it later.


    Keep your methods as small as possible, so they are easy to debug. If you find yourself with a method that's more than about 200 lines long, ask yourself if it really needs to be that large.


    Break what needs to be done into manageable chunks and focus on writing those, then bring them together at the end.


    Write reusable code - if you find yourself putting the same piece of code into a lot of different methods, that's a good candidate for it's own public method that can be called from multiple places.


    Learn to love your debugger.


    Finally, just start writing the code. You'll make mistakes, your program will explode into glorious error messages and you will occasionally bang your head on your desk to induce creative thinking, but the best way I have found to learn to write code is to just write it, break a few things, and then find out why it's broken.

  9. This is an ethical question because there are a lot of people who want to preserve the economy before the environment, and vise versa.


    Then there's the controversy over illegal logging in South America, which sometimes has led to loggers shooting at indigenous peoples to keep them out of the way.


    Ok, in that light, I can see the ethics - your opening post wasn't really phrased like like an ethical question.


    That said, your fence idea is only going to work if the loggers in question have some reason to respect said fence. If they're willing to shoot people to get at the trees, I have serious doubts that a fence is going to stop them.

  10. !

    Moderator Note



    Our forum rules say the following regarding the copyright:


    Flying monkeys are the responsibilities of their respective owners.


    Just FYI.


    I know we're not supposed to reply to Mod Notes as a general rule, but I saw this bit and laughed so loud the people at work thought I was having some kind of seizure.


    That's just too funny.

  11. If you own the land, my supposition is you can tell them to leave certain areas of your land unharvested. In short, yes, I suppose it should be possible, assuming the actual owner of the land chooses to do so. I fail to see how this is an ethical question though - can you expand on your opening post?

  12. These are the kinds of people I usually give the wrong answer to. I'll refrain, and merely echo the calls of my forum brethren above - do your own homework. We are not "phone-a-friend".We are more than happy to help you understand the material more deeply, or to help you find flaws in reasoning that you have already done, but we're not here to do the work for you.

  13. It works now! ^_^ Yay! I replaced the cont == "Yes" with "Yes".equals(cont)


    I was so confused why my original didn't work because in c++ it seems to work fine to do this with strings but I guess strings are quite different in java?


    The reason is that in Java when you compare objects (and nearly everything in Java is an object, except for the primitive variable types), == compares the memory location instead of the value stored in that memory location. That may be different from C++, I'm not sure. If you want to compare the value of an object (like a String) you should use .equals() at all times.


    I have Visual Studio and Eclipse but my mean professor won't let us use them in class! dry.gif


    If your professor won't let you use Eclipse to learn to write Java I question his methods. Every Java class I have ever taken has used Eclipse as the editor. It saves a ton of time running and debugging applications.


    That aside, I am glad it's working for you now.

  14. 1. This question is a great example of why we should all use metric measurement.



    Room volume 2.3 x10^6 cubic inches

    Ball volume 9.5 cubic inches

    Maxium possible packing density pi/sqrt(18)

    Max Number of possible balls 1.8x10^6


    There is a fairly chunky error and is an over approximation as there will be gaps at walls and corners. This is based on the greengrocer stack (each layer is hexagonal array like honeycomb and each ball of next layer fits in dip between three) which Gauss proved in the 19th century was the most efficient regular packing of spheres. We have recently seen almost proofs in which computers have (almost) exhaustively searched irregular packing and the greengrocer stack is still the most efficient


    So that's why they stack fruit that way. I never knew that.

  15. It depends on how they end up stacked. If you assume the least optimal stacking method (treating each ball like a cube with a side equal to the diameter of the ball), the minimum number is 1,286,635 (give or take).


    Edit to add


    You'd also have to assume that the tennis balls on the lowest tiers of the stack do not deflect from the weight of the ones on top of them.

  16. You need to put the cout variable outside the inner loop. You're getting hung up on a scope problem.


    Also, never use == to compare two strings.


    Edit: I should have added, as your new to the language

    The reason it's failing is because your cont variable is only available INSIDE the do loop. It actually gets moved off to garbage collection and becomes unavailable the second the code reaches the closing braces of that loop, which is prior to the while statement. Think of each loop as a little mini program - the variables created inside that loop are not accessible outside the loop because they don't exist as far as the class is concerned.


    As for the == thing, when you compare two objects (such as Strings, Longs, Cars, or whatever), you should always use the object's .equals method to determine equivalence. Using == compares memory addresses, and will only return true if the memory addresses match. When comparing simple types, such as int or char, using == is perfectly fine.


    As an aside, it's considered good practice, when comparing string variables to string constants, to use the constant as the base i.e. "YES".equals(cont), rather than cont.equals("YES"). This helps avoid an occasioanlly hard to find Null Pointer Exception if the cont variable happens to have no value at the time the comparison is done.


    See the revised code below


    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class PrimeCalculator{
    public static void main(String[] args){
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
       String cont = "No";
    	System.out.println("Please enter a number greater than 0");
    	int input;
    	input = sc.nextInt();
    	int counter = input-1;
    	double remainder=1.0;
    	if (input==1){
    		System.out.println("This is not a prime number");
    		while ((counter > 1) && (remainder!=0))  {
    			remainder= input%counter;
    	if (remainder==0){
    		System.out.println("This is not a prime number");
    		System.out.println("This is a prime number!");
    	System.out.println("Would you like to continue? (Yes or No)");
           cont = sc.nextLine();
    	while ("YES".equals(cont.toUpperCase());




    There are so many things wrong with this article that it's either really old, deliberately misrepresenting the science, or the chap that wrote it doesn't know what he's speaking of.


    Could be all three, or any combination thereof.


    In any case, there are several fundamental problems - too many to list really. As a source, it's pure bunk.

  18. Observationally and experimentally shown to be wrong. Photons interact only with charged particles.


    Does not a neutron and every other form of subatomic matter decompose into protons, electrons, and energy (which by my hypotheses includes neutrinos).



    Neutrons can decay into protons, and protons can change back into a neutron - what does this have to with the statement you quoted?

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