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Posts posted by Vlad007

  1. Haha. are you kidding me? If things are lousy because of bad laws and bad rules, then stupid people are idiots because of the government. what you just said makes no sense whatsoever...


    Unless you are just talking about biotech companies. then it makes a little sense. But also, then when people make bad decisions at the biotech factories, then is it blamed on the government?

  2. Omfg. How many times do I have to say this... I think that we could very possibly do very well with genetic modification. I'm just saying that there is also a large % error, and if we do screw up, we will have big problems.

  3. Well, i think that it might be able to go both ways, but QUAZAR? sorry...that was Ben...anyway... i think that it will go to the screwed side rather than the incredible super people side.

  4. I agree with most of the things you are saying. I'm just saying that in the process of finding a way to modify genes, we are going to mess up a lot of people... especially our first few experiments.

  5. Why? Because we are changing what nature intended. look at how we used coal. Wonderful effects on the planet, right? Everything that we have made that has changed nature, we had destroyed something, and changing our genes is changing something big.

  6. That would be hilarious if people's IQ was constantly going up with each new generation.


    "Hi, my IQ is 7,000, what's yours?"

    "Only 5,000."

    "Wow, you must be a moron then"


    hilarious, right? This world would be even more screwed up than it is now, which is kind of hard to believe.


    Why are standards in schools being lowered? Why is the bar lowered for college entrance exams? Have you seen school books from the colonial period in the US? What grade schoolers read back then, high schoolers would cry over today.


    We're devolving, dude.


    Well, i have one thing to say to that. how can we be devolving...? All you have to do to read a book is speak English/whatever language it's in... how can we be losing the ability to speak, cause that's what your saying...

  7. Though different color eyes might be a defect, it doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. Why do we care if someone is different then we are? of everyone was the same, everything would be a lot more complicated, and i would really appreciate dog tags...


    personally, i think it would be awesome to have an eye with two different colors...

  8. Why would it not be possible? All we have to do is find a way to do so. though it may take a very long time to do so, i think that eventually humans will find a way and screw us all.

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