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Posts posted by Halash

  1. if i added water to the KNO3/sugar/sulfur mix would it make a paste and would it ignite afterwards??

    i just just use a few drops of glue and maybe a little water. (teaspoon of glue:teaspoon of water:100 grams of rocket fuel... vary it a little becuase i am not sure if these are correct

  2. the color and redness from a flame is from the air becoming so hot that it emits wavelengths in the visible spectrum. air around you has no color becuase it is not hot enough, blue flames are very hot, hence they are higher on the electromagnetic spectrum.


    its alot like heating steel or iron till its red hot.

  3. ok, according to some references i need 40,000 volts to make a spark plug jump the to electrodes!!!!!!!!! i have heard of some weird thing that converts 12 volts to 40,000 volts but i don't know how, where to find it. is their an alternate way to produce 40,000 volts??? i have heard that lasers need large voltages..... are their batteries that have high voltages.???????????????

  4. using any metal for the casing is really dangerous (i know from experience, one almost blew up.)


    i would use paper rapped around a 1/4 in dia. rod. and apply white glue between layers.


    it works pretty good it you have a short burn rocket engine. if it is too long, the case will burn up. so make sure u grind your fuel mix well!

  5. holy shmoly! i made a rocket just like that with the exact same ratio!!!!!!!!! i make a nozzle out of this endcap with a hole in it i filled the pipe with the mixture and i videoed it. it made a huge flame maybe 4-5ft tall and it burned for about 5 seconds. it made a big pop at the end and when i looked at it it had propelled itself a foot into the dirt that i put it in!!!!!!!! (i stood it upright)


    i think the big pop at the end was some piece of unreacted sugar or potassium nitrate blocking the exit hole. it biult up massive pressure for a fraction of a second and then blew it out.!!!!


    i was scared crappless!!!!!! i thought i had made a bomb!!!!!!! it was loud as hell!

  6. ...............







    if the moon orbits faster than the earh spins then you can't make a "bridge".. you would need to make the moon and earth both positively charged so they would repel each other.


    i'm sure the electrons impacting the moon would accelerate it the other way.... or it would atleast compensate for the magnetic charge thing you talk about

  7. i was wondering if i could get potassium from electolysis of salt alternative. i can't mix it with water, because as the potassium gets separated, it will simultaniously react with water. is there anyway i can get it without the use of water??? could i use some other liquid to disolve the potassium chloride in?? like an alcohol or an oil???


    is there any other way i can get potassium without going through the hassle of ordering it??????????????

  8. i am trying to make a pulse detonation engine....


    i got the basic framework down; the tubing for the gases, and the metal piping for the combustion chamber and the cooling system, i got a butane tank too, i just need a few things...


    1. an oscillating circuit for the spark plug.

    2. an air pump to pump air into the chamber.

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