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Everything posted by Lala

  1. "Text book"The sun produces heat and light due to fusionreactions. As a result, charged particles like protons, electrons etc.constantly flow out of the sun. The flow of these charged particles is called solar wind. As they enter the earth's atmosphere, they are attracted by the earth's magnetic field. The magnetic north and south poles of the earth change the direction and speed of these particles. These particles then collide with the air molecules in the cold, thin upper atmosphere . This causes ionization resulting in the production of colored lights, known as the auroras. The auroras occurring near the north pole are known as the northern lights or aurora borealis where as the auroras occuring near the south pole are known as the southern lights or aurora australis." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as the light from the sun hits the earth the S & N poles would pull the red light to them light is attracted to the two poles on earth because of the earths magnetic poles it changes the direction of the sun light so the S and N poles should light up red when the moon does but they dont it comes down to this one of the text books reasons is wrong #1 why the moon turns red or #2 the A: for why we have the N & S lights what one do u think it is? ^.~)? By Olala ^.^)/
  2. I I captain (^.^)> Rephrase done By Olala
  3. it would slow down the speed of the moon one side of the cable hooked to the moon and the other side to the hovering sky station the hovering sky station would go with the moon around the earth By Olala
  4. If you had to brand a planet use'n only the atmosphere how would u do it? Rephrase:Lets say u had to find out what planets out there had Air but u could not go there u have to send something to the planet that would react forever to an atmosphere and let u know that it has found one with what and how would u do it? By Olala ^.^)/
  5. The sun produces heat and light due to fusionreactions. As a result, charged particles like protons, electrons etc.constantly flow out of the sun. The flow of these charged particles is called solar wind. As they enter the earth's atmosphere, they are attracted by the earth's magnetic field. The magnetic north and south poles of the earth change the direction and speed of these particles. These particles then collide with the air molecules in the cold, thin upper atmosphere . This causes ionization resulting in the production of colored lights, known as the auroras. The auroras occurring near the north pole are known as the northern lights or aurora borealis where as the auroras occuring near the south pole are known as the southern lights or aurora australis. that is the text book reason for the northern lights yes sorry for thinking most knew next time i will use "This is a text book note" before i post By Olala ^.^)/ P.S I just fixed it so it says "A Text Book Note" <(^.^)>
  6. "A Text Book Note" On The Northern & Southern Lights This is why: The sun produces heat and light due to fusionreactions. As a result, charged particles like protons, electrons etc.constantly flow out of the sun. The flow of these charged particles is called solar wind. As they enter the earth's atmosphere, they are attracted by the earth's magnetic field. The magnetic north and south poles of the earth change the direction and speed of these particles. These particles then collide with the air molecules in the cold, thin upper atmosphere . This causes ionization resulting in the production of colored lights, known as the auroras.The auroras occurring near the north pole are known as the northern lights or aurora borealis where as the auroras occuring near the south pole are known as the southern lights or aurora australis. By Olala ^.^)/
  7. Moontanman, on 15 March2012 - 11:11 PM, said: Umm, why would that light mix with the northern lights? Sun set is before dark, the aurora is after dark.... They say :"The reason is because the sun set on the other side of the world hits the moon and turns it red." Let say this is the Earth ( Earth) and lets say this is the moon (Moon) and lets say this is the sun ( Sun ) and this will be the red sun set light . . . . . . . . and lets say this is the northern & southern lights ----->.^.~.^. where u see the ----->would be the side of the N & S that should be lite up with red lights. Now here is the pic {Night}........&.......{Day} --------> .......... -------->.^.~.^. ( Moon ).( Earth ).....( Sun ) ------->.^.~.^. -------->.......... "Lights are attracted by the earth's magnetic filed" now if the sun set light did come back down to earth after going all the way around the earth from the other side of the world it would have to hit the northern & southern lights as well lighting them up like fireworks but this does not happen so their reason again must be wrong By Olala ^.^)/
  8. I didn't say the northern lights make the moon turn red, what i said was this: the light that they say that comes back down to earth should mix with the light u see from the northern lights and if what they say is true about why the moon is red it would give us something like a firework's show but it does not so their reason for why the moon turns red must be wrong By Olala ^.^)/
  9. this is what i would do. i would use the earths magnetic-field to hover a station in the upper part of the sky and use storm clouds for a 2nd power "we know how to make it rain" then use the super-strong cable and hook it to the moon "and we should use the pull of the moon to speed the ride up" the hovering sky station would move with the moon around the world this way everyone can use it and everyone helps to pay for it By Olala ^.^)/
  10. How is that on topic? or is that rule just for us so called butchers of the English language? if so where is Swansont "You have been a bad boy post"? he butchered the English language with "BTW" BTW:you do know he was rude to me and off topic 1st right? By Olala ^.^)/
  11. you can take spot lights and face them into the night sky black is a lack of color, so this is why it works at night and not in the day time at night time because your paper/sky is black mixing lights does act like paint in the night time sky. now in the day time white has all the colors in it. this is why light does not act the same as paint then (Reflection Variable Is added) plz see rainbows for more info ty and by the way the reason i said do u know how TV's work is because when u turn them off what u see is black they use that to place color on. because it is a lack of a color then they use reflection variables to make only 6 colors become all colors By Olala ^.^)/ Olala Reply to Swansont:{Bitch Slap Warning label} Intelligence does not come from what u can remember in books it comes from what u yourself can add to them hope that didnt leave a mark ^.~)?
  12. (0.o)? i didnt ask how do u spell you ?(O.0) and you said lights don't act like paint you are wrong sorry have u seen a TV? do u know how they work? By Olala ^.^)/
  13. The Question (Submitted November 05, 1997) I would like to know why the moon turned red during a recent lunar eclipse? The Answer: When you saw the moon turn red, it was because the light that was hitting the moon, from the Sun, had to go through the Earth'satmosphere. The atmosphere scatters blue light more than red light (why the sky is blue) and so what comes out the other side is red (why sunsets are red).This reddish light bounces off the moon, comes back to Earth and goes into youreyes. By: Jonathan Keohane for Ask an Astrophysicist My Thoughts On This: if that were true then the northern lights that night or anyother time the moon turned red would of been "Going Crazy" in the night sky and if u go to nasa web link and look at the northern lights from space, u can see that red light is over the blu/green light and if the red light goes up and "back down" then what u would see is blu/green with a hint of red mixed in the color and we all know that green/blu & red does not make blood red. take green/blu and mix a drop of red, the drop being the red paint because the red light is said to come back down to earth leaving the blu/green paint as your main paint base if they were right then what u should get is a blood red color but u wont so they must be wrong ""Going Crazy"" as in the northern lights would be hit by this red light that they say comes back down from space after hitting the moon given us a big light show like the end of a fireworks show on the 4th but this does not happen... one way to tell if the red light is coming back to earth after it hit something in space is to look at the Space Station and if it does not light up red like the moon then they are wrong on why the moon is red right? By OLala ^.^)/ Here Is The Pic From Nasa Web Link Northern lights : (aurora borealis) and southern lights(aurora australis) Are caused by ions carried on the solar wind from the Sunbeing drawn in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AKA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sun produces heat and light due to fusionreactions. As a result, charged particles like protons, electrons etc.constantly flow out of the sun. The flow of these charged particles is called solar wind. As they enter the earth's atmosphere, they are attracted by the earth's magnetic field. The magnetic north and south poles of the earth change the direction and speed of these particles. These particles then collide with the air molecules in the cold, thin upper atmosphere . This causes ionization resulting in the production of colored lights, known as the auroras.The auroras occurring near the north pole are known as the northern lights or aurora borealis where as the auroras occuring near the south pole are known as the southern lights or aurora australis.
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