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    right now electricty

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. This is the concept. 12 volt system/to 120 ac We have a 130amp truck alternator that I want to put in a water proof container with a either chain drive or belt drive to a underwater ( must be completly submerged ) waterwheel or a fan ( thinking of a prop off a marine engine ) we have at least 24 feet per second of water flow at the height of summer. with 130 feet per second flow at spring thaw. It is a 450 foot run to the batteries we have from the river. would 12 gage wire work? Do not know enough about using a gear or set of gears to run the system as i am worried the belt drive would be labor intensive. We have the alternator, 12 6volt batteries and 3 inverters. two inverters are pure sine and 2 are modified sine. Question is the best way to set up the alternator to a ( fan? prop? waterwheel? ) and the method to make the connections. chain, gears. or a belt? Due to security reasons. (theft, etc) the system will have to be underground-underwater.
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