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Everything posted by Knigh4321

  1. eigenstates and riemann's hypothesis...I'm gonna prove it (lol). or at least try...wish me luck
  2. In some area of math there is a capital PI which denotes something which I don't know. Can anyone help? and it's not pi(n)= all primes under n....
  3. Does anyone know where I can get ALOT of information (from the internet mainly) on this little masterpiece (the Riemann zeta function)?
  4. I disagree, I don't think that we should limit ourselves by our morality. If we can create life by other means than how nature started it why shouldn't we?
  5. I think it's great *if* we want his Oil. We should take it too, if he dosen't want to give it to us peacefully, then thats his bust. But I think the Iraqi {war} will be more a mater of national security than anything else.
  6. I would allow myself to be cloned. Then I would raise myself to be at my full potential, knowing my limits and my tallents I could expand and capitalize on what I've learned about myself already and make a better me.
  7. that was an intermediate step...the exponent is killing me...I don't understand where it came from. Is there some properity that I'm forgetting about. I can't find it in any books. To be specific: if y(t+1)=y(t)+1+y(t) then y(t+1)=2y(t)+1 then y(t+1)-2y(t)=1 (this is where things get screwy) then for y(1)=1 the eqn y(t)=2^t-1.... there is a jump here that I am not understanding. Call it lack of knowlegde or whatever but I'm stumped.
  8. In short, can some one show me how this works: the difference eqn is: y(t+1)-2y(t)=1 therefore y(t)=2^t-1 what i don't understand is the step to get the exponent (t) on the right side of the eqn....what happened to the y(t+1)? any help would be nice. I'm going to go to my tech on Mon. to ask...but if I could get it before hand it'd be nice...
  9. so then perhaps quantum mechanics and chaos theroy would be more apporiate a subject. Though I worry it may be too broad...
  10. is there a connection. Could one do a college level project on the two subjects and their corralation?
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