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Posts posted by JohnStu

  1. If what you said about dark skin do better near equator is true, then tell me why Mexico presidente is not dark skinned. Neither is Thailand government officials, Malaysia, India, Pakistan?

  2. I agree with your politically incorrect answer. I had that in mind but did not say it previously. Certain people do seem to have this vast difference in behaviour from me, even if I am grouped with them in some race category or nation category. I have not much difference in behaviour with members of my family, though. If this entire world was made up of me, instead of these humanoids, then there would not be over-population ever.

  3. How many watts is a jiggawatt? You claimed it can take power up to a jiggawatt!


    You also claim to be able to derive every mathematical formula from your work. I call BS, pony up and start deriving.


    Oh, you are also BS'ing about "Stephen Hawkins". It's Stephen Hawking you genius. You didn't even bother to google the spelling.


    Why should I believe you have a unified theory of...whatever it's supposed to be relevant too when you can't even use standard units, use LaTeX, or spell the names of famous physicists?


    I think you are just making crap up honestly. My young cousin actually did better science in his fifth grade science fair project. Really!



    pretty aggresive language. "you genius" "BS`ing"



    Did he really hurt your confidance. Was he blocking your road back home to your imaginary cousin that you have to wage war.

  4. It seems to me that over-population has little to do with not being enough food or being too jammed together. Any primate group tends to experience over-crowding when the group size grows in excess of the size its species evolved to be optimal to it.


    We humans evolved to live in hunting/gathering size groups of less than one hundred. How have we manage to so dramatically exceed that---or have we?



    It's been shown that senseless creatures like insects are espeically prone to overpopulation, where as mammals do slightly better. They observe and notice when population start to get high and adjust their behaviour or living style.

  5. If a star, or a sun, 'burns/converts' matter into energy, chances are the homogeneity of its matter among its active surface is not, as flares appear in an area and later on another, as a non uniform surface 'burning'


    Is our sun propelled (transported, pushed) randomly in space by the energy flares it emits as to move towards opposite the random significant flares ?



    I guess it would, by a tiny amount. Depends though, sometimes, if the flare caused the internal forces/turbulance to switch direction, it might propel it toward the same direction as the flare goes. As the sun is not really a singular ball, it is really tons of stuff together that end up looking like a sphere from a distance. THere is tornados, hurricanes all over it, so a lot of the motion the stuff in those hurricanes are doing could "eat up" the opposition direction force exerted by the flare.

  6. There are plenty of asexual entities of whom we refer to as species of living organisms, I don't see why this is an issue. I also don't see why in the future if robots were self conscious enough to ask for fair treatment that they would be treated with anything less--which includes being honored as a living species, organic or not. I believe the simplest route to take on this would be to modify the statement to a species of non-biological living organisms.


    I'm of the opinion that people enjoy their bragging rights and too many humans will step on anything that doesn't meet its needs. I make this my opinion because some feel we are very nice beings that see the good in all, and I do not agree with this. If the robot is conscious it will not need our approval of it as a species if it chooses to consider itself as one. If we choose to treat them without respect chances are there will be problems. If robot consciousness is going to be a problem, and we can't respect them as a species should need arise, then we had best not create them in the first damn place. Stupid humans . . . :|

    Okay, time to print out some robot citizenship cards. Or should we let them hvae their mono-gender society.


    The reason I pointed out robots would be single gender is that this would mean they wouldn't be in a society, because they would have less need to be in a huge group.

  7. WHen I was 19 I thought that the universe would eventually collapse to some small region to have a big bang again, but now I think differently. Big Bang won't happen again, as blackholes eat up more and more tens of billions of years later, not everything will be pulled into a single point, but rather have multiple giant blackholes, which aren't nearly as big as the hypothetical big bang beginning.

  8. Here is the problem with implementing anything in teaching, it is that, there will always be someone unsatisfied with it, as in almost any classroom, the students are all quite different actually. There is always students that barely keep up. The students that excel at it, and the students who kind've understands and has to spend hours to understand what was learned in class. I think it's time to create this "accelerated program" to focus just on the top kids. This way the top kids won't be held back (such as me), and everybody else would still be comfortable at that pace.




    Instead of serving everyone the same dinner and changing the menu, how about we put these guys in a different restaurant huh?

  9. Thank you. Would you suggest getting experience with programming now with a language like c++ or something or wait until later? I know that would take time too but I am open to a lot of education options.


    Keep a part of your brain unfilled with data, and learn c++ later on is what I recommend. Java is good too since c++ does have harder syntax, to me. If your brain is filled when u start learning computer programming then you will end up forgetting some previously learned stuff in order to understand programming.


    I recommend non-textbook books on basic programming, there are so many incredible good books. They teach you how to make simple games (some of them), such as snake, minesweepers, space invaders and so on.

  10. Math is pretty hard, one gotta invest time in it. More time than people usually project for themselves.




    get fluent with every step before moving on, don't hop and skip. Going back to often fresh memory and check if anything is forgotten is good too.


    Math is not like lifting buckets of apples, one can let an apple fall and then pick it up later. In math, a single error early on usually means whole time wasted.



    Oh, and play some Suduko puzzles, these puzzles do in fact improve number reconition and reaction and mathematical thinking.

  11. Yes when turning, fast enough that is, the air inside get more windy, so, if the air is hotter than your skin, then it would feel like hot air, or are you just talking about air becoming hotter than before, then that could be hot air trapped finally able to move around more. I assure you the average temperature of all air molecules only increase by a bit when u turn your car. So, wind is the cause, created by the fast turning.

  12. JohnStu, most of your posts make no sense and violate many physical laws, this one being a perfect example.


    Upon crossing a large black hole's event horizon nothing much will happen. You will be subjected to tidal forces which won't rip you apart for some time/distance ( depending on the size of the black hole ). Your eyes will be fine for the limited time/distance until you are torn apart to view the outside universe age billions and billions of years ( possibly tothe end of time ).


    What laws did I violate? The law of unproven hypothesis by Stephen Hawking or something?

  13. Hmm, in my paper I wrote gravity is a wave phonomonem, but a super high frequency wave that it can be treated as waveless. It is like how if something has super ultra high frequency, those things can be treated as if going straight line.




    Also, excellent discovery, what are your backgrounds. I speak full mandarin

  14. You bring up a very good point Original Poster. It is the geniuses that push science and technology to a higher level, not the average joes. The average joes just ride along the ship the geniuses drive for them. If it weren't for the geniuses, people would still be in stone age, never ever able to figure out how to move out of stone age.


    Yes, technology is becoming increasingly difficult, acutually not mainly due to technology itself getting harder, but people sometimes puropsely make it more complex, so it seems like they've done more work.


    Many coo-coo heads in society also put a damp on science progress, they actually diss science in many ways such as mocking Einstein. They also call people nerds when they are just jokeheads.

  15. Because females' job in sexual reproduction is about reponding to incoming attacks; feel the damage and provide reports to the males.


    In sexual reproduction, it is male's job to visually examine the target (female) and execute the airbombing sequence.




    Porn is made for male side, females don't really look at the male and say, okay, I wanna do this or I wanna do this assault. Instead, they make housesand open their castle door wide and let the calvary come in to pillage.

  16. Velocity is not a force, but result of force. So only when space is accelerating (as oppose to moving at a constant speed) do we ask is there another force as its counterpart.

  17. Has any experiments varified that light speed cannot increase or decrease that it is constant, no matter where you go?




    I've Googled around this topic and only bumped into experiments that are about Einstein's relativity.




    Experts please help

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