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Everything posted by esavagee

  1. i agree. what about the recent article http://www.wired.com/science/planetearth/news/2008/07/species_relocation%3FcurrentPage%3Dall that suggests putting polar bears (which could be a species about to disappear (if you go by some theories) in antarctica? would this be a good or a bad influence by man on the disappearance of a species and its affects on other animals? just wondering whether that could be a thing to consider with this subject.
  2. Hello, I have a module called Metabolism which is basically biochemistry and I'm struggling to find a book or particular thing that could help me with the basic understanding. The module topics are things like: biomolecules thermodynamics - catabolism and anabolism glycolysis/ gluconeogenesis/ glycogen oxidative phosphorylation proteins and amino acids fatty acids, lipids and membranes all my books are sort of vague and i don't want to buy a biochemistry book and have to revise the whole thing for one module. can anyone suggest any books that might help with basic understanding before i revise it in further detail. thanks.
  3. If I can remember rightly, there may be a test to do with haemagglutination. Have a look at that. (Sorry if it doesn't help)
  4. You may have to consider the numbers of livestock that would no longer be affected by diseases passed to they by mosquito's. If, for example, you consider grazing cattle if their numbers increased there would be more food for humans, but impact land use. Maybe areas of grassland would have to be managed etc. decreasing the natural habitat of other organisms. Also, consider what would happen to the animals that naturally prey upon mosquito's and their larvae.
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