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Amateur -1

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Everything posted by Amateur -1

  1. Tres Juicy; Evidently you do not like to learn for yourself by experimenting. So there no for me to say. BUT, I am not making this up.
  2. That is right. Edward E. Kerls here at you servics.

  3. That is right. Edward E. Kerls here at you servics.

  4. Sure I know the coordinates , But I am not ready to give them out just yet. I found these about a year & a half ago and I have been looking around the web to see if this is a new find. I am posting this to see if anyone here have seen or heard of these Places. IF so why is here a Sumerian pictograph here in the USA from 4,500 BC. Light & dark color lines are about 25 to 30 Ft. Across and there seams to be a mound in the center , maybe the chieftain’s resting place. Does Anyone Know anything this.
  5. The 90% of Our Brains. Ancestral Imprint on Our Memories. These ancestral memories most likely come from the unused part of the human brain. This is about 90% of the human brain, and that is a lot of encoded DNA. In that 90% of the human brain there is enough encoded DNA to store all the information that is stored in the biggest computers that man hasmade to date. Encoded DNA Encoded DNA can account for what we call instinct, commonsense or unlearned human-actions such as unusually high natural aptitudes of Math & music or with the metaphysics of logic and knowledge. And the formulation of which is one's ethics from ancestral imprint of memories. Thus our sixth sense of instinct and the survival of ancestral knowledge. All the way down to an individual cell the encoded DNA has the ability to tell that cell to be a given part of the body. Even out of the body a single heart muscle cell has enough encoded DNA to make it keep beating on its own. A kind of immortal state of knowledge encoded in the DNA. You have heard that a picture, “Specks a thousand words!” Well, I believe that “Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam.” This Masterpiece of art screams to me that not only that mankind is the Temple of GOD, but the hole-of-mankind’s ancestral knowledge that is locked within our mostly unused brain.
  6. Ancestral Dreams & A Dream Walk Some ancestral dreams may be the dreamer’s conception of what their ancestor’s life was about. [A normal dream.] Some ancestral dreams may about a given event that has been talked about and passed throughout the years. [A normal dream.] Some ancestral dreams are about ancestors that the dreamer has never known or even heard about. [A possible a dream walk.] Some ancestral dreams are thought to be brought about by an encoding of DNA of ancestral memories passed on to the dreamer. These dreams are of actual events of history that one of their ancestors went through. “Number four would be a dream walk.” This is a person that has the ability to dream of what one of their ancestors actually did in their lifetime. These ancestral memories most likely come from the unused part of the human brain. That is about 90% of it, and that is a lot of encoded DNA. Not all humans have this ability to access this part of their brain. But not all brains are wired the same. There are people that have had brain damage and all of a sudden they can speak German, a language that they had never learned. This is possibly an ancestral language that had been encoded in their ancestral memories. There are people that are right brained and others that are left brained. Then there are people that are at different levels of dyslexia. Of course there are people that have had their brain damaged as above. These dreams can be brought about by an event or something that the person had seen or was told in the days leading up to the dream. I am sixty four and I have had this type of dreams most of my life. On my Dad’s side of the family is all German, but on my Mother’s side is one-half Irish and the other-half is Native American. One time I am in Ireland in the 12Th century working as a gamekeeper walking the beautiful hills of Ireland. And then I am a German in the trenches of WW I. Another time I am a German toy maker. Or I am working in a German brewery. But then at times I am a Native American on a Buffalo hunt, or just walking through the woods of the western US or up north in Canada. But not until now have I ever thought that any of my dream walks were of any value, not enough to put into writing. They were just my dreams of no one of any importance in history. About six months back I started to use my computer’s ability to see down from the satellites and look for old Native American sites throughout North America.   Enduring Ancestral Memories. My Dream Walk. The meeting of the Clans. Around the tenth generation from our beginning times, a time of extreme cold came and set in, we had no growing cycles, even after three sun-dance times. And Raven our Shaman had a prolonged battle with evil spirits that he succumbed too. He then departed for the spirit would himself. With great hardship our clan was forced to migrate, south out of our lands, the anatols and up through the difficult White Bull Mountains then down onto the planes of the great rivers. Then we went west to the banks of the great water with no end. This is where we meet up with the Susites, who took our clan into theirs. They had a stone walled encampment of domed mud huts and befriended and saved our clan. Thus we, the clan from the anatols north of the White Bull Mountains, became known as the Ana-susi, thus the newest addition to the Susites’ clan. To honor this union all the clans’ people gather to pay tribute to the clan’s Ruler Lamech. The Susities all came with their three tiered Ox- horn headdress on. And all of us, of the new part of the clan came with our fine feather headdress on. And then there was Phy Chu’s men with their shiny hairless heads that had only thin braided rope of hair at the back. But all brought a portion of their food gatherings as gifts / or tribute to Lamech. Phy Chu and his men are the Philites and they are another additional part of the Susities clan. Much like we are. But they were a clan of very big men that are just warriors. They do no tilling of the land or stone work, they hunted and practice war all of the time. Phy Chu was always smiling and laughing at everything that is said to him. But he was always ready to fight. He would at times take his warriors off on raids just for fun and bring back new animals along with more slaves to help with the work. The Susites had made a deal with the Philites. The Susities would house & feed the Philites if they would protect the clan. I am told that the Philites came from an area that is way off to the northeast. Their home land was said to be almost always covered in snow. The Philites had come with some beautiful animals that they were able to ride. They also had a few of their own slaves that they brought with them. Their slaves did nothing, but make the best made spearheads that I had ever seen. And I have seen more than forty five sun-dances times. The Philites had come across their slaves’ clan well to the north, and when they observed them bring down one of the colossal animals. The ones that we could only dream of bring down when we saw those colossal animals, out on the planes, up north. Then there were all the other slaves. We were not to befriend or even to talk to any of the slaves. We were only to command them to do what is needed to be done for the overall clan. The slaves had come from the Nile valley area. The Tribute to Lamech. As a tribute to The Susites’ Ruler Lamech, who was treated as their “God” along with his son and grandsons that are the rulers of the Susites & their two sub-clans the O’ham and the O’hem for taking our clan into theirs, thus saving our people. For this we agreed to help them to cut a forest of cedar, to build a very large log raft. For Lamech had commanded His people to do so. His Son and grandsons are the ones that designed and headed the building of the raft. The making of the raft. The making of the raft was more like making twenty-five separate cedar rafts tied together. Thus the overall raft was made up of a row five rafts wide and five rows long. Each raft was about twenty forearms by twenty forearms and each had a sixteen forearms round domed hut on it. In making of the rafts with huts, some of the logs were selected for their lower long branches that were left on to be part of the huts frame work, to secure the huts to the rafts. These logs would be turned so the branches would bow inward to the center of the rafts. Then the other cut braches would make up the rest of the huts framework. The huts framework was then covered with tightly woven reed mats that had been tarred. After all of the mats were in place on the cedar frame work. Another layer of hot tar was poured over the huts, and as this layer of tar was cooling there was a thick layer of red clay mixed with dried cedar needles put on the outside. There was a round hole with an animal hide cover at the center top of the huts in order to enter the huts, and also to allow the smoke to exit the huts when cooking. The floor of the huts was about three hands above the log raft. The floors were made the same as the outer walls of the huts. They were made, with the tarred mats and a thick layer of red clay. There was a stone and clay domed fire pit in each hut. No part of the cedars went to waste; all of the rest was burned. Then the ashes was used in the making of the tar along with some animal fat and milk, along with the cedar’s sap. Under the floors of each of the huts there were covered baskets for small animals and between the huts was roped off areas used as pens for the larger animals. Dried meat and other food were stored in clay pots around the inner walls of the huts. And even more dried meat was laid out in animal skins that was then covered with more hides and this was used as sleeping mats. There was more dried meat hanging from the ceiling. The wood of a cedar has a pleasant smell and sure helped to keep the air breathable inside the huts. Then the waters came, from the sky and the upper rivers. The rains came, and by the third day the raft was pulling at the ropes. The raft looked like a village on a carpet of cider logs. Then on the fifth day the raft was gently bobbing in the water as the rushing water was making it pull even harder at the tie downs. It was then time to enter our given huts. Eight of the huts were taken up by the main Susites clan & their two sup-clans O’hams and the O’hems. The next six huts were given our clan, the Anasusi. The next six huts went to house the Philites. The last five huts went to the slaves, even though they outnumbered all of the others together. We all made for our huts as four of the Philites in oiled skins set up post at each corner of the raft. But unlike the Philites the two dozen slaves had no oiled skins but was at the four sides ready to use their long polls to keep the raft from hitting anything. And they also used their polls to get the raft out of the outlet into the main body of water. Our “Ancestral” trip to our new land. We had a wind out of the east that gently moved the raft to the west further out into the endless waters. No our tenth day everyone was called out to help to keep the raft from hitting two mountain tops. But the strong water flowing between them kept us in the center, and we missed the two mountain tops. A few days later we came close to a volcanic island were we could see some people moving to higher ground but there was also some others leaving the island in very small boats. Midday after passing the volcano island we could still see the volcanic clouds, then there was a huge blast of steam, ash and rocks and there was no island to be seen. But we could see a colossal wall of water coming at us at a very fast rate. So everyone ran for the huts. Just as we had gotten into our huts the raft went vertical and we all was piled on top of each other. The raft took forever to reach the top of the wave. Actually not all of raft did. The leading edge of the five huts that the slaves were in was suspended over the front edge of the wave. The wave was moving so fast that the wind it made caused the lost of all of the entry covers and all of the big animals, if they hadn’t been lost in the vertical ascent of the wave. The raft moved at this speed for two thirds of a day. Nothing could live outside at this speed, it would rip them apart or at least take away their breath. After the colossal wave had released us we drifted more leisurely for about ten more days. We took this time to check out our food supply and do some repairs to the raft and huts. We had lost all of the animal’s broth large and small. What had not been blown or washed away had drowned in their cages. The only food that we had left was what we had in the huts and some of that was lost also. We had lost most of our fresh water also. On the eleventh day we got the much needed freshwater, but it came as very bad storm. In this storm the winds seem to come at us in the form of three dancing snakes that reached all the way up to the heavens. The winds started to rip apart the raft. One of the smaller rafts that housed some of the Philites was ripped off and floated away. Then came the grounding of the raft . The raft seemed to come to rest on a flat top of a small mountain. The time that we were afloat may have been two and a half moons, it was hard to say. We could see other bigger mountains to the guiding star of us that stood much higher out of the water. And they still had trees on them. Our food was gone and we really needed to be able to get off the raft to gather some type of food. On the fourth day we awoke to see that the water had receded to the south and east of us, and that we were only about fifty forearms above the mud flats. We were on a small hill not a mountain. So two of the slaves were told to see if they could make it across the mud flats to find some type of food over on the drier land. As the two slaves was trying to make it across the mud flats. The ground began to shake. Then a big wall of mud and water, mostly mud hit the raft and move it down into the mud flats and cover it totally in mud. Hours later when we were able to dig out of mud covered huts. We saw that not only the two slaves were gone, but we also could barely see the Philites on their rafts that was floating away off to the east of us out in the main body of water that was still receding . As we was watching our warriors and protectors of the clans float away, someone started screaming food, food, food. A raven had dropped a fish at the feet of the man who doing the screaming. Then all of us looked off to our right to the sound of more ravens calling. There were many small pools of water all round us that had in them some beautiful fish that was covered with bright colors of a rainbow just flopping around and was there for the taking. I turned my eyes to the heavens and just knew that “Raven our old Shaman” was still taking care of our clan from His well deserved place in the spirit world. For that is what ancestral spirits do. The parting of the clans. Many moons later Susities’ ruler “Lamech” departed for the spirit world and shortly after that the Susities & their two sup-clans O’hams and the O’hems started treating our clan as their slaves. “We are Not, and Will Not be Slaves.” So we freed all of the slaves, and took few of them into our clan and headed north ward off into the new world. But most of the slaves said that they wanted to go to a warmer climate, so they went the other direction. Because; they was from of the Nile River area. So now the Susities call us their enemy the “Apache” and that is fine with us, as long it we are not called their salves. Many, many moons later I came across some of the Susities. And I was told that, without slaves to do all of their work for them, their society had completely come apart and that their clan had broken up into four or five different clans. I never seen anything of the Philites again, and I sure regret that I had not taken the time to learn how to make those fine spearheads like the Philites’ slaves was so good at making. [This is the end of this dream walk.] “Little Raven’s Enduring Memories.” [Grandson of Raven] I am Apache, and this was my ancestral dream walk! Edward E. Kerls, “The Dream Walker.” [November 11, 2010] This is “Dedicated, to all of the warriors that have kept this new land Free for all Clans.” I am, who I am and that is how it is.
  7. Well it is from Google Earth @ an Alt. of 213,943 Ft. It is a chieftain seting down and has a headdress on and is 2.43 miles or 12,943 Ft. From the top of the headdress to his toes.   The next one is just down the valley. It is a pictograph from the 4,500 BC of the Sumerians meaning to Plow / or till the Earth.
  8. So --you ---can ---See---for ---yourself. This action is only momentary, just (A) Is a set of balance scales that are non-magnetic. (a-1) This half is set over the (B) piece of iron (a-2)This half is set out over free space (B) Is a 1ft.x1ft.x1ft. piece of Iron at a temp as [Cold] as you can make it © Is a high temp insulator (D) Is a 1ft.x1ft.x 2ft piece of Iron at a temp as [Hot] as you make it (E) Is a stand to hold the experiment. (F) Is a glass pan filled with sand or any non-magnetic[ Mass] like pea gravel.Once this is set up remove © the high temp insulator (a-1) will lose gravitational pull on it making it rise and (a-2) to lower and at the same time causing the non-magnetic mass in (F) to be attracted to bottom of (D) thus we have man made gravity fields. until the thermal differences equalizes.
  9. Is this the one & only Wilmot Mcutchen that helped put to gather his patten on the tennis rachket, at the Houston Inventors ASS. 20 years back. E.K.

  10. Have you ever seen, "Manmade Gravity" or / Gravity,s fingerprint in Nature? Well, I have in broth cases!
  11. Question; is someone on this science forum that is in to amateur satellite archaeology and if so have you ever seen or hear of [ Nazca ] type of lines in the western part of the USA.
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