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Posts posted by TransformerRobot

  1. Technically we are too far away to even try targeted modifications (especially large-scale). Moreover, what changes would you suggest?

    Delaying negative effects of warming, and create infrastructure that can cope with rising sea levels are far more realistic options.


    That's what I was thinking of, yes, but I don't know how we can do so. It's not like we can modify ourselves to have gills, right?

  2. With all the concerns about rising global temperatures and higher sea levels, not to mention no habitable planets within our reach, what are we to do to survive?


    Should we start genetically altering ourselves and our animal life in order to survive changes in our environment? What are the benefits vs. the consequences?


    I'd like to know since we're running out of time and options here.

  3. Orbit would be unstable. One or both planets would be ejected from star system, sooner or later.


    Distance is not the only parameter. It's important what is their mass. They can be also have different angular momentum, and different ecliptic.

    There is couple star system simulators on the net.

    See this one for example


    Pick up preset Slingshot. Planet is ejected from such system.


    Okay, what about 2 million k apart?

  4. Me again, with another problem in my story concept.


    I've been considering the fact that if planets were too close to each other's orbit that it would drastically affect what happens on them.


    I don't know exactly how close that would be though.


    What would happen if two planets were only 500,000 km apart? Would it depend on the physical traits of each planet?

  5. There is a company called Anki that makes toy car race tracks that are encoded with positioning information. The toy cars have cameras on them that read the track and use that information to stay on the track. The cars themselves are operated remotely. Something like this scaled up considerably might provide you the sort of speed racer track you are imagining.



    So it would be full-scale cars (or bikes in case a motorcycle version got made) with onboard computers that monitor the properties of the track to keep from crashing?

  6. I remember the Speed Racer movie (love it or hate it), and although it was a financial flop, it impacted me with some artistic inspiration.


    Physics-wise the designs of the film's race tracks just makes sense for it's jet-propelled cars. It's like driving on a giant HotWheels track.


    But would such a motor sport be possible in real life? We already have the technology, but I've never seen racing jet cars on a roller coaster-esque track in real life.

  7. This is a scenario I've been wondering about related to a character I'm working on.


    She is from a civilization of anthropomorphic creatures with similar properties to dromaeosauridea (Velociraptor, Utahraptor, and Deinonychus just to name a few).


    Their native environment is essentially the same as the thick jungles in Africa, South America, and South East Asia. They mostly live in tree houses.


    With those factors in mind, what would need to change in their body structure for them to work? EX: Their head shape, would it stay the same? Or would the nasal bones be narrower to give the eyes better capabilities?

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