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Ben Banana

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Posts posted by Ben Banana

  1. I would say, as I sit out on the grass on a sunny day, that the grass and I consider the sun more than an image. Its shining on us now. Not 7 minutes from now.

    Yes, the sunlight is shining on you then, but the event had a cause which originated previously. The sun may be producing photons at the instant while you lay in the grass, but perhaps you move into a building before that light may directly reach you.

  2. In logic a thing either is or is not.




    I'd say, nope. In an extremely arbitrary logic, that may be an axiom. Neither is "thing" rigid enough.


    Is a star that we see 10,000 ly away true or false?

    Unfortunately, you have no statement to reason with. You cannot question truth here.


    Does it exist NOW? Or does it not exist?


    First, lets be careful about the meaning of "existence." I would say, the image exists now; however, we're not sure whether the image's source exists no more.

  3. so..... probably not going to comprehend everything

    Yep. I speak dolphin.


    I guess refining a turbine in a nuclear power plant would make energy more efficient and things like that.

    Although you worded it a bit wobbly, yes. :)


    Neither do I know anything about thermodynamics, electrodynamics, or whatever sort of field applies to efficient energy consumption.


    See this post of mine:


  4. Too bad techniques of energy production are irrelevant to "energy efficiency." The techniques involved in energy consumption make the appropriately corresponding subject to "energy efficiency."

  5. It is Nature who decides what's correct and what's not. Not you.


    Oh well then! Nature appears by juanrga to have decided it was incorrect. But wait, its all an illusion! :rolleyes:


    I decide whats correct, not nature. Nature is not real.

  6. I have made some observations -- unusually involving a very specific aspect of social activity -- which I hope participants of this topic also try to see. On organizational efforts in particular, examine the contrast between the motives of a "foundation" or "movement" and an "institution." You might think these are just vague and unintentionally varied labels. Personally, I see things tend as though "foundations" chain you to a cropped ideology, "movements" insensibly push an ideology, yet "institutions" (hopefully) merely inform about a set of "good" and unheard ideas. Perhaps ideological distribution is one of the most prominent elements involved with the undermining of freedom.

  7. Unfortunately, I'm not very sharp regarding global warming. So, they're talking about record global temperatures for the first time in millions of years? I question whether this increase has occurred continually (a very gradual rise), or has it significantly began fairly recently (within 500 years)?


    With that aside, I have understood the claim that it will continue, and also how this persistence is not expected to remain as "harmless" as it appears now for much longer.

  8. Its amazing how... I can't comprehend this... you're... what kind of divine psychology needs to be imagined to describe the state of your... whatever its called? Your idiocy is undefinable.


    A new field of psychology is indeed emerging.

    Hell yes! We've got our first subject right here! :)

  9. I cannot help feeling, Phaedrus, that writing is unfortunately like painting; for the creations of the painter have the attitude of life, and yet if you ask them a question they preserve a solemn silence. And the same may be said of speeches. You would imagine that they had intelligence, but if you want to know anything and put a question to one of them, the speaker always gives one unvarying answer. And when they have been once written down they are tumbled about anywhere among those who may or may not understand them, and know not to whom they should reply, to whom not: and, if they are maltreated or abused, they have no parent to protect them; and they cannot protect or defend themselves.

    - Socrates


    The essence of expression is an import asset, and we must store assets mechanically. Computational machines are the medium.

  10. 5. Make me say that from the owner of this forum that they don't allow anyone to educate people about religion just as they educate people about science and that they only like to bash religion then I will go away.


    You're educating us? Start yet another church! You may educate your followers! This is about discussion. We don't bash religion. I have dis-welcomed your "education."

  11. Here's just some words from "immortal" that I've picked at leisure:


    Why Scientific Realism might be false?

    By the way, this is one of the worst rhetorical questions I've ever heard.


    A growing number of scholars, scientists and philosophers are leading us to an esoteric worldview without themselves being aware of this. While there seems to be much confusion on how to reconcile modern science with eastern and western esotericism most of the confusion seems to have come from choosing incompetent scholars for their study.
    I started to show if those religious traditions are understood in their own milieu then what its implications are for modern science.
    when he says
    find parallels between these traditions
    those traditions are in direct conflict with scientific realism


    immortal (nonsense)'s strongest point is: It might be false because I might be right. By the way, religious research doesn't give you anything to "might" with. Nothing. Maybe around people who believe they're being open minded, but certainly not here! Get that through your head. The only way for us to make you stop is say "oh I'll consider it ..." because after all, there's nothing else for us to combat you. So now, I'll be the first to say this: your philosophical approach is not welcomed by me. You do not belong here. Go away please.


    You always end every argument and sub-argument with something like: "traditions ... religious scholars ... my research contradicts!" Even if you could show me a number of posts where this is not the case; your credibility, comparatively, still means absolutely nothing.

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