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Tres Juicy

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Posts posted by Tres Juicy

  1. Ok. So it sounds like if we don't have a good understanding of what we are arguing, and there are few facts to refer to, then no argument is going to be very satisfying. That makes sense.



    While I cannot prove you don't have a magical fairy in your pocket, I am certain that it can be logically argued that there is no reason for me to believe there is a magical fairy in your pocket. I think if you cannot make a logical argument that something is true, then rather than make an illogical argument, it would be better to make no argument at all.


    And there is the point. To quote you "there is no reason to believe"


    Why would my magical fairy be any less likely than god?



    If you are serious about being taken seriously please stop writing like a manic typist on LSD

    To maintain civility in discussions on SFN, the following rules are enforced:


    Be civil.

    No flaming. Refrain from insulting or attacking users in a discussion.

    Avoid the use of vulgar language.

    Slurs or prejudice against any group of people (or person) are prohibited.

    Please refer to SFN's etiquette guide before posting.


    But if you do agree, then my complains and concern goes for you as well..


    Were you aware this member broke the forum rules>>>???


    <br style="background-color: rgb(248, 250, 252); ">

    <br style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; background-color: rgb(248, 250, 252); ">



    I'm not even sure what this means...


    You are not saying anything anymore - just complaining that your material is being attacked.


    You have been asked several questions which you are ignoring (Post #43 in particular) - which is not acceptable


    If you do not answer the questions you've been asked, this thread (as ridiculous as it has become) will be closed like the others

  3. "God has done His best to stop us doing these things. By giving us the New Testament, and even sending His own son down to help us."

    You mean He got it wrong when he wrote the Old Testament?


    Incidentally, iNow, I'm surprised by your display of ignorance. :D


    God takes a capital letter, even if you are an atheist (I don't worship the moon, but it's still Monday etc.) and possessive forms need an apostrophe.


    So it's God's best that's not up to it.


    Beside the point - what he said is spot on

  4. No, it's not a spelling contest but it is nice to share a common language....



    Anyway, you're dodging my questions


    -10.86902388503848+14.01061653862827 =



    The answer is 3.14159265358979

    Not what you've said below






    Where did all these extra digits in red come from?


    Anyone can make stuff like this up. Example:


    5.083203696242576/1.61803399= 3.14159265358979

    Pointless, but at least one of those is a real number and I'm not adding any mysterious digits onto the result.

  5. But God doesn't actually cause all the suffering in the world. The suffering results from people, of their own free-will, choosing to do horrible things to one another. Like fighting wars, and committing atrocities.


    God has done His best to stop us doing these things. By giving us the New Testament, and even sending His own son down to help us.


    Also, by inspiring us to develope Science. If Science was used properly, it could make the Earth a true Paradise. With all 7 billion of Earth's people, enjoying a decent life.


    If humans have screwed things up, that's our fault surely - isn't blaming God just a cop-out for our own incompetence?


    Clearly I am not blaming god, I'm saying that he does not exist.


    As far as

    inspiring us to develope Science


    Have you read the crackpot religious posts here that dispute evolution and even gravity?


    Religion has always held science back - look at history

  6. ^^I agree with you. If there was a real God then there would not be so many people in horrific pain and in a state of perpetual suffering.


    The fact that there is horrific suffering in the world and God does not absolutely nothing to help these people and make the world a better place for them, this to me proves that God simply does not exist.



    Not only that, look at the atrocities comitted in the name of religion/god throughout history.


    Like some of the crackpots you see here occasionally, they cannot accept other peoples beliefs and feel the need to force their perceived "truth" on others, all the while justifying it as "gods work"


    It takes something incredibly twisted to do such harm to humanity and pass it off as good

  7. Just to show that we read stuff carefully and stop any accusation of bias I will back up I "think" out of the box on this single occasion


    0.000872665 degrees = 3.141594 seconds


    One second of arc is a 60th of a 60th of a degree. I agree with almost everything Tres Juicy has written and endorse his and others criticisms of the OP's style and content.



    Tray Ducey?


    I was just about to google it, thinking it was a reference to someone else.... :rolleyes:



    Seriously though, this is the kind of clarification that should be made by the OP


    Thanks imatfaal

  8. This is nonsensical, ill informed, infantile garbage.


    1. There is no such thing as 'special relativity measures'.

    2. 186,000 miles most certainly does not equal a light year.

    3. You switch between a number associated with the speed of light expressed in miles per second, to a precise number associated with the speed of light in kilometres per second.

    4. You refer to a dimensionless number as if it had units attached.

    5. Correcting for some of these converts your sentence to the following: the speed of light doesn't work at the speed of light.

    6. Then, perhaps dimly aware of conflict between relativity and quantum mechanics, you throw in a meaningless reference to the latter.


    You pack all that ignorance into a single sentence: quite an accomplishment. If you are serious about being taken seriously please stop writing like a manic typist on LSD. Organise yout thoughts. Write grammatically. Cheack what you have written. Justify claims. Structure your argument. Currently you do none of these things and in consequence you come across as a fool.


    Well said


    Where can I get something to create this function you placed??


    It's called an education


    -10.86902388503848+14.01061653862827 =



    Not what you've said below




    Where did all these extra digits come from?


    Anyone can make stuff like this up. Example:


    5.083203696242576/1.61803399= 3.14159265358979

    Pointless, but at least one of those is a real number and I'm not adding any mysterious digits onto the result.

    3.14159265358979 second = 0.000872665 degree


    Second = degree?? No, second = second, degree = degree.



    This does not inspire me at all, it is not my fault many still live in the "rules" of the system and never question the meaning or purpose of science. Their relation to their "ego" is what I have been subjected to....




    Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative: "his enthusiasm inspired them".

    Create (a feeling, esp. a positive one) in a person: "inspire confidence".


    Is this what you meant?


    Also, putting quote marks around random "words" is highly annoying "and" makes it look like you haven't grasped their "proper" use


  9. Of cource your completly correct however science is seriously undervalued and is due in some way to this disconect. We need, I think, a Steven Fry like carracter who is capable of understanding the science but is magically able to use our language to create understanding. A rather large task I know but I think our society would benefit if science had a larger part to play.



    Science needs better P.R


  10. Please note: why are you "now" denoting me as per the help of someone else here??


    This makes "no" sense



    I have told you all how I got the numbers 1776, and 2029, with an online date converter, I was trying to compare the Mayan End Date Calender of Dec 21, 2012 signification is the "WINTER SOLSTICE""... The year used on the online date converter is Dec 21, 1776 the converged year on the planet Uranus is 2029. I was doing this for fun, until I realized something strange.....



    Why 1776? I looked at the site and there is nothing strange going on.


    Planets move at different rates, what's strange about that??



    Here it is place the year, 12-21-1776, if you think I am not telling the truth.



    I will take your advice....Thanks!


    Yeah, did that.... what are you getting at?

  11. No, but you could weld it together with a sonic welder. :D



    I think the most probable approach would be, apply a dry soap that binds to the dirt and oil but not to the skin. Upon application of a certain frequency at a certain SPL, the soap resonates and flakes off taking the dirt with it. A follow up jet of warm air could aid in the process of moving the filth from body to disposal, where the dirt could be sucked away to a disposal unit. I would use something like this, if it existed. I enjoy showers, but sometimes when it's just a matter of getting clean they can be quite annoying.


    Interesting choice of words....


    What have you been up to?

  12. I suggested you read a book, try this one to start with:




    Then this:




    Then this:






    Also if what you are saying were true then we would not observe gravity in a helium filled tank.


    The effects of gravity would vary depending on the atmospheric medium, which they don't.


    Also by your explanation you could not observe gravity through liquid.


    You are confusing atmospheric pressure with gravity - If you were to increase atmospheric pressure you would not increase gravity.



    Get yourself an education outside of church, you have the internet - read a little

  13. I will openly disagree with anyone who is wrong, whether they are religious or just an idiot


    I always have an always will.


    Religion is a means to control the easily lead and I do not like it, it robs people of their common sense and in essence is just a fairy tale belief in magic

  14. You guys fail to see how none of the information you provide supports Gravity or disproves what I've suggested may be a more logical answer.

    The information you've provided is merely, observed motions, they can be applied to any theory.

    Unless we've been to space, gravity is not a proven theory, and there is no evidence we ever have been to space.

    The pivotal evidence that makes this statement not trolling according to the forum policy, is that there is a lack of evidence showing we've been to space.


    We have been to space, there have been numerous posts showing varied evidence from different sources.


    Where is your evidence? I refer you to Swansonts earlier post:


    Moderator Note

    An extraordinary claim (along with a few others). Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, and the rules of this forum do as well. Post the evidence.


    Do not respond to this modnote. Do not post more speculation or discussion. Posting your evidence is the only acceptable response.



    Tres Juicy

    3) air has no mechanism to "hold you down", if that were true would it not hold you in place as well?

    I guess you never read the article I posted: Air is not thick enough in volumes to entrap you, it sooner displaces an equal volume of itself.

    "air has no mechanism to "hold you down"

    Are you suggesting I said that or is it your own words? Because, It does hold you down. The entire sky is trying to be lower then you, even if it means attempting to crush you unsuccessfully.



    Read a book you moron.


    If all the air was trying to get beneath me it would have a lifting effect on me rather than holding me down, like water does.


    Stop wasting your time on fairy tales and rubbish.


    But Because you insist this thread is more about Gravity than Tidal motions,

    Please, in your own words, using your own proofs (as in personally and manually demonstrable facts) PROVE GRAVITY.

    Or it is a THEORY!


    As it turns out you can't have tides without gravity.


    If air was responsible for holding us down, then ask yourself this:


    Why can gravity be observed to work in a vacuum?


    because if we are speaking of things regarded as fact, you're arguing with the entire religious world. We are valid opposition to unproven claims.

    Thus, also, my theory of Aerodynamics is indeed a theory.


    Bullshit: Again - Why can gravity be observed to work in a vacuum?



    Answer this honestly with evidence or take your voodoo crap to a religious forum where you might stand a chance

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