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About lokanath

  • Birthday March 16

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Research in the subtle fields
  • College Major/Degree
    Science and Engineering
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physical sciences and spiritual sciences
  • Biography
    Engineer by profession in Telecom. Published papers on physicalmind and conciousness link and cuses of diseases etc. Researches in the subtle realms of physical entity is of utmost interest. Wish to share my findings with physical scientists
  • Occupation


  • Lepton

lokanath's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. A living entity is the one which can recieve inputs from outside, process them intelligently and give an output in a such a way as to continue its existence. Existence is what is experienced in between the cycle of evolution and involution. EVOLUTION is the process of a thing by which it moves from its subtle state to gross stste. INVOLUTION the process by which it moves from its gross state to subtle state again. This is a contiuous process which we call LIFE..
  2. lokanath


    Birth and death are two terms used by people who talk about the existence of material bodies experienced through the 5 sense organs viz. ear,skin,eye,tongue,and nose. What was the state of matter before being made available for the senses to experience is a question that require much thought. When a body ceases to be non-experienceable through your senses, you call it DEAD!!.When a body ( be an atom, a cell or a child) beomes expereinceable to your sense you say Oh.. it is BORN!! The science behind this need much explanation. Please mail if interested : REMOVED@by.Staff
  3. matter is the form of existence where subtle sub atomic particles join by energy bonding and when it comes to the molecular state it is detected. When it lose its form it goes back to its subtle form . The structure of life be it human's or an atom's.........is like this. Subtle----gross---to visible form----goes back to its subtle form---again evolve as gross--- A tree is available in a seed in the subtle form. When seed is planted in earth, the seed sprouta and the subtle seed comes out as a seedling..plant and ...tree..finally the tree hides in its seeds in the subtle fom again.. This is like a circle drawn with no beginning or end... If you wish more clarification mail to lokanath@excite.com
  4. The external stimulii through the 5 sense organs ear, skin, eye,tongue and nose create action potential and it is carried to the brain through the neural network. This is being processed (not in the brain but somwhere in the subtle realm) and the output commands create brin currents in the efferent nerves and this motor impulses carry the reuired current to the muscles and the 5 organs of actionviz. hands,legs,tongue,genetal organ and organ of evacuation. That means behind the physical body there is an electric field which is called BIOELECTRICITY lokanath@excite.com
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