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Posts posted by pulkit

  1. How did copper sulphate come to be known as "blue vitriol"; ferrous sulphate as "green vitriol"; zinc sulphate as "white vitriol" and sulphuric acid as "oil of vitriol" ?


    I get the colour part in the salt names, but why the "vitriol" ? Does that mean sulphate ?

  2. I also believe there is no exaggeration of the innocents lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, my point was that America was not the cause though


    If thats what you think then there is little I can do to change your opinion......but I must still query; if you think America is not the cause then what/who is ?


    Did you acctualy believe all that was presented in Farenheit 911 were facts or do you wish to challenge them as well ?

  3. does the amount of wires make a difference, e.g. is there a difference between using 1 and 5 turns, and 100 and 500 turns?


    The transformer formula [MATH]\frac{n_1}{n_2}=\frac{V_1}{V_2}[/MATH] is derived under the limit of [MATH]n_1[/MATH] and [MATH]n_2[/MATH] approaching infinity.

  4. buy a cheap car batt charger, rip out the back end, rectify it to rippled DC then use a 7809 with 3 silicon diodes in series on the Vref (center pin) to pull the voltage up to 11.1 (.7 of a volt per diode) then feed that in as the Base Bias on a pair 2N3055`s in parralel pin for pin, that`ll then drop the output to 10.4 volts :)


    ok so it`s .4 of a volt out, but it`s hardly critical and will cost alot less than using a variable V-Reg and all the needed heat compensators :)


    I hail thy wisdom !

    But a transformer does indeed sound simpler :)

  5. so what you say is a balloon filled with air will not move in the car?


    I don't intend to offer a solution to this question just another thought........

    If indeed an air filled balloon (ideally with a massless membrane) moves, that'd mean air will begin to move backward too. This would establish quite a pressure gardient in the car which seems quite an unreasonable thing to occur. So maybe, it should not move.

  6. As I seem to have started a raging arguement here, I must say something too.


    I certainly don't think that claiming the loss of thousands of innocent lives in Iraq and Afghanistan is an exaggeration. It can never be when someone decides to go about carpet bombing a country, you probably will wipe out entire villages without trace. I don't even trust all of the intelligence that the Americans worked on during both operations (If it were all that trust worthy they'd have got Bin Laden or atleast killed him for sure with one of their bunker busters - his fate we may acctualy never know). I am sure there could have been mistakes. And then the worst thing was attacking countries with nominal resistance, so a mistake = tens of lives.


    When I said American press seemed to glorify war, I said it because I really thought so. All you ever got to see on an American news channel was some reporter following the American force, reporting in how they had succeded in capturing yet another city and were ruthelessly marching on. The fact is that the suffering of the people was hardly ever brought forward. One allied soldier loses his life and it is in honour - stuff headlines are made of. Ten Iraqis lay down their lives and nobody cares....... I thought this was a war fought under the pretext of establishing freedom and democracy. Isn't freedom related to equality in any way ?


    If at the very face of it you start to glorify your army and look down upon the other side as some militia who represent all the evil in the world - you are glorifying war, as now you are now fighting "to help the entire world and make it safer". The moment I used to see George Bush delivering a speech to his "successful" troops I would shut my TV off, its too much to take in, thats just plainly supporting his ideology. How come you never saw some orthodox Iraqi on television saying out loud that America is killing them and they don't won't Saddam removed -aren't they entitled to an opinion .


    The fact remains the Iraqi side was hardly ever covered by the press. And as for the world being a safer place now, I don't think so. I for one feel more unsafe, maybe tomorrow Mr.Bush will think of some pre-text to attack my country and then there'll be nothing I can do.

  7. for a start the shape DOES matter! think "Eddy currents"!


    As a standard practice, you would make your loop out of thin insulated strips pasted together, so shape can't matter. Eddy currents are out of the picture.


    the wire guage IS important as it effects the current (amperage) and can be offset by windings


    Wire gauge also affects circuit capacitance and inductance, which is particularly important to analyse a real transformer.

  8. Seems a bit of a problem.

    What is generally done is that you wind in two different positions of metallic loop.

    The loop is constructed not out of a one piece of metal but several insulated strips glued together. This nearly extinguishes all eddy currents and prevents this current "circumvention".

  9. If you insulate wires, you will affect their magnetic properties.

    Most transformers would have this arrangement put away in a well insulated box, so that wires are still un-insulated but you don't kill yourself working with them.

    The lead wires are made insulated for obvious reasons.

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