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About seemysince

  • Birthday 11/26/1981

Profile Information

  • Location
    nashville tenn
  • Interests
    computer intrest
  • College Major/Degree
    Comm Art
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    remanise over romance
  • Occupation


  • Lepton

seemysince's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. here is a theory of mine,why in our world is matter stationary that moves, like air water and earth and even fire could be stood still, and we dont have anything like the space that happens when you move something< that is a good reason for a diverse matter area such as our world>
  2. We would still be studing the things he explained i think technology would still be basically the same just appear more primative :Lanaguage is relative :;was the true meaning of his theories bEcause the words and sounds we produce to some one who hasnt learned our language) wouldnt explain the things we are thinking about and study and remember and are a part of our every day life,., becuase if we are to not be sure if we are even heard by some one just assume that they know what we are thinking when they do what we think they should do,., gives us a progressive mental pattern of selective thought that sees everything as something to add to what or where we are right now,., and those ideas or items would become a part of our world,., words are not things to just give one to anything you can see, sounds mean more like ambulance sirens,,.
  3. If We Question OUR OWN Universe is that it's own way of telling us that it belongs to someone?
  4. i belive that scince the earth is an orb floating in a space, that it is not physically connected to,if materials of diffirnet calibers and uses are alll in one place and dont seem to only be capable of being used to take us to space, maybe all materials are arranged in an order from where they first appeared, so if magnets have electristy in them maybe the elctrisisty escapes and travels throught the air into the other magnet like an air hockey table,. becuase if lighting melting the ground put electrisity in it and made big deposits of metal( which is just melted dirt) then it would have holes from the air and layering and boiling and so forth which would explain why we get electristy from metals and they flow through meltals,., they are after all ,shiny just like the sun, which after all does control our thoughts to some extent so when we melt metal we leave little holes in it,., becuase we make something that we are not sure why it works,., and the sun is the most prominent thing in our world.,
  5. and was now taking my developmental writing class, algebra class, and a typing class, and starting in the summer would like to tak two science classes and was wanting to hear alittle bit about your most interesting subjects>
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