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Everything posted by Shon

  1. This is supposed to be a scientific experiment? LOL! To begin with... what is a "pit bull?" It definitely isn't a breed of the canine world. The statistics presented are based upon what evidence? People's perception or actual facts? The fact is there is no such breed of dog as a "pit bull." The term "pit bull" is ambiguous label given to dogs which appear to be muscular, dangerous dogs. Who defines what a "pit bull" is exactly? How are these so-called "statistics" relevant to an actual breed of dog? A "pit bull" is, in fact, misidentified among at least 12 popular, pure-bred breeds of dog. Among the most misidentified breeds claimed to be a "pit bull" are: American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Boxers, American Bulldogs, Cane Corsos, Perro de Presa Canarios, Argentine Dogos, many Mastiff mixes as well as many others. The truth is, a "pit bull" is labeled by people who have an assumption of what "breed" of dog a particular dog is. According to many temperament tests by prestigious organizations, the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier (the main breeds which actually ascended from the "fighting dogs" of yesteryear) score among the top of the most stable breeds known to man. The problem is people who claim to have "pit bulls" are breeding them for a purpose which is salable and that is for aggressiveness. Many popular bloodlines of "pit bulls" are mixed bred mutts, bred simply to make a profit. Their is actually a breed name becoming more popular for these mutts as people are made more aware of the mislabeled ridicule this so-called breed receives and that is the "American Bully." I encourage you to do more research of a particular "breed" of dog before making an assumption of an actual "breed" of dog based upon the nonfactual "evidence" (bullshit) presented to you as factual information. You will find that the true statistics are quite the opposite and that there are many misinformed, ignorant individuals who wish to seek out and destroy breeds of dogs simply because of ambiguous label placed upon them by idiots such as themselves. Here is a quote which is relevant to this thread, but on the subject of "dogfighting," from a very respected "pit bull" forum, pitbull-chat.com: Please respond with whatever you wish to refute this information, I will be glad to counteract.
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